One Pool.... Free to good home | Arthritis Information


I have not been well, these antibiotics are kickng my BUtt! So, I have been laying in bed thinking of all the packing I need to get done and where I am going to put my stuff at the house.

Then I remembered... we also have an inground swimming pool that comes with the house! I am not a pool fan since last year when I got in the pool and literally froze up after only being in it for 10 mins. I felt every joint in my body swell up and get stiff within those 10 mins.

Everyone asks us if they can go swimming this year in the pool... My reply is "We are cementing it in." Then they get this horrified look on their face and say "REALLY?!" Then I have to reply "No. Ask hubby if he is going to take care of the pool, because I am not." Then they reply "Oh we will help you keep it up." And I think "Yeah right! That is what you told MIL too and you did not help her, but let you kids piss and drop a deuce in the pool!"

Yeah, so I want to get rid of the pool, but it is in-ground, and I just do not want the worry of if son got out the door and down the deck without me knowing.


I have a good home, I will take it! :) I wonder what shipping is on that? UPS of course.


I grew up with an inground pool and have one of my own.  They are nice to have, but expensive.  As long as you don't have a lot of trees around it, they are easy to keep, however, the cost of chemicals and electricity are very high.

Isn't the pool gated in?  We have a law up here that in ground pools have to be gated with a self closing and self latching gate to prevent accidents.  You can also get an alarm that floats in the pool when the pool is not in use and goes off if the water is disturbed.

I grew up with an in ground pool and they can be a lot to take care of.  They are worth it tho if you can care for it. 

Joonie, perhaps you could make a lovely sunken garden in there.  I have seen one that was first half filled with shingle (for drainage - I think there might have been some holes drilled throough the bottom first as well) then topsoil.  Then some trees & shrubs and rockeries and all sorts of lovely things.  Maybe a little pond with some goldfish. Ooh what fun!

Other than that you could perhaps just turn it into a huge fish n'frog pond with water lilies and things!

Sorry to hear that you haven't been so well and hope that you feel better soon.  Take Care

Oh yeah liz, so the alarm goes off when a frickin stick falls in the pool. That would irritate the piss outa me. LMAO

Joonie, I have NO WHERE to put that pool, but i'll take it anyway...

Where to put a pool?   Where to put a pool?

I'm Thinking!

I could always get hubby to dig a hole in my lounge and put it there, put a water heater in and jets.My own jacuzzi in front of the t.v.

First of all i'd have to sail it across the atlantic

What, no free pools on that side of the Atlantic?

No a lot of meanies here, they want money for theirs....Joonie is so generous I want to import her.

Believe it or not, when we bought our house, it had an INDOOR inground pool.  So technically we could have used it all year long, but we couldn't afford the propane to heat it, and it annoyed me that I had to heat it, even if it was 85 degrees outside!   Problem was it was not very well designed, did not get any sunlight, and had poor ventilation.  The humidity caused the wood to rot, and it became infested with carpenter ants and termites.  We had no choice but to tear down the room around it and make it an outdoor pool.  But I'm so glad to have it!

Since my hubby is a consultant and no longer gets vacation days, the pool is our vacation time.  We have one of those floating lounge chairs, and sitting in that with a nice cold drink on a hot day it is heaven!

Do you have a free pool table Joonie, lol?  Have the perfect spot for it!

The pool is a liner, so should be easy enough to ship

Yes, there is a fence all the way around it and the doors on the fence are always locked, even I cannot get in

No, Alan we do not have a pool table. Sounds like for some creative out of the box thinking for that gate.  Let's help her out people!!  Pincushion, YOU'RE A GENUIS!!! Import! There's an import option on AIM.........Joonie........I'm going to import you and that pool to FL the next time you're on AIM. Just....plug yourself in somewhere........hahaha

Yeah, it does not help that son is very tall for just being 2 years old, most people think he is about 3 years old. And he is very clever and can climb and hang on anything for a long amount of time.

Oh and the alarm would not work.... as we have a pecan tree that blows leaves and dropps pecans into the pool year round! So... yeah like Katie said, it would get annoying! It would kinda be like the pool that cried wolf LMAO!!



I'm so kidding. My kids are going to hate me.

As far as the alarm.....I was told not to get one, because you become so used to hearing them go off, you assume it is a tree limb, etc. and it could really be a child.

We put our in ground pool in when my twins were 6 months old.  Stress?  Yes, but I put 3 locks on the doors to get to the back yard that the kids couldn't reach.  Also, hired a lifeguard to teach them to swim ASAP and constantly talked about being safe outside and being with an adult at all times.  I also never left my kids outside without me being there.  It was work....but it was nice to have.  The kids did have fun with it.

Katie, that reminds me of when I was younger and worked in a department store and one day a lady came in and tied her little boy up to one of the posts and walked away to shop.

I wish I could do that to my daughter except, the tape go around her mouth to attach her to the post

I am not a mean moma, I am just thinking of their safety. Daughter is going to get her butt kicked for running her mouth about how someone looks and son is going to fall out of the cart on his big noggin!

We have pool covers here. Maybe adding one of those might work. A friend of mine uses it to keep the pool maintenance down and the kids unwatched out.

One option might me to get some local arthritis group to pay for the pool maintenance for use of the pool. Maybe you could turn it into a income generator.

Swimming really is great for your RA body. And teaching kids to swim early is the best protection second to constant observation.

omg miles.......thats what you do with your dog, not your kid!!! Did you drop kick that b*tch?!??!