A new symptom?? Dizziness??? | Arthritis Information


Lately I feel almost constantly dizzy - has anyone experienced this?  I always wonder when something new comes along if it's RA related. 

Please advise your thoughts.. thanks!

Not in conjuntion with my RA, necessarily, but some of the meds I'm
on have caused temporary dizziness.

Have you started a new med??

It's hard because so many things are related. It's easy to feel that way. It's like some meds......but make sure you mention it to your doctor.


No new meds, in fact RA feels great (this week...:)

????  Who knows, eh?

Hows your vision?

Definately talk to a doctor about it. Dizziness is a symptom of lots of thigns. None of which are RA to my knowledge.


Or an ear infection can make you dizzy. Or you can be random like me and get vertigo and dizziness out of NOWHERE for NO REASON for weeks at a time. And then be dandy for another 10 months. My body hates me. It is hard to know what to blame on RA and what is just the random
illnesses, infections, etc. that everyone gets from time to time.

Hard to keep from obsessing about it sometimes. If ever in doubt,
probably best to check with your doctor.

Arris, my sister gets random vertigo, too. Sounds like fun. LOL.

I know when I started the AP Protocol (Minocin), I was dizzy for a few days. It did go away and then the herxing hit hard. I was two steps forward, one step back for a long time. But near the two year mark, the pain started to go away and as of December 2006 it is gone.

I'm still on Minocin Mon, Wed, Fri and probably will be the rest of my life but it is well worth it. I'm in remission. It was a long road but I'm glad I stuck with it. I think too many people drop out too soon. You really need to look at it as a long term treatment. It really does work.




I get vertigo too, OMG, alchohol-free hangovers The earth, the sun, the moon. The bed. The floor. The walls. MY HANDS. lmao It's just terrible. I've found the quicker I can get to a bed, and take a nap, the better off I am. I just pass out, and let it all blow over. - One thing I did learn, my allergies are a HUGE trigger for my vertigo, very specifically cigarette smoke and lillies. Who'da thunk it?Okay -- that's interesting. I'm gonna have to let my sister know
about the allergy thing. She, too, gets vertigo in a really bad way.
Like in a I'm about to throw up if I don't lie down, even though the
bed will spin, kind of way.
I really wonder if some allergen triggers hers. Great tip.

I have had vertigo 2 times when it lasted for days... not just a couple of minutes. Both times it was caused by nsaids that I had been on for more than a year (Tolectin and Bextra did it to me...) I did not realize it was an allergy until the hives came. The episodes were 25 years apart. There were a whole lot of different nsaids between these 2 - that did not cause allergic reactions. Most were stopped because they didn't help or because they made my ears ring so loud I could not think.

My rhuemy is allergic to every thing that has pollen or smells like a flower. He explained to me that you can become allergic to any thing at any time. Not really what I wanted to hear. It is scary enough to try new drugs when the old ones can pop a problem at any time  - TOOOOO MUCH.Yup. That's so true. That's what happened to me. Each year I seem to gain a new allergy. JOY. And yes, my vertigo lasted days as well. :(I live in a dizzy world. Have to pull over when i'm driving it's so bad sometimes. Mine is from fibromyalgia, and now thyroid problems, and also my meds. I take Prexige which i am sure makes me more dizzy. Definitely tell your doctor about it. 
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