very discouraging outlook | Arthritis Information


I was so excited today when I went to PT. I am doing so great on my knees recovering. And yesterday, the surgeon saw me and I was a "happy RA" patient. I guess he means that I have a real positive outlook about my surgery. But I am thrilled with the results.

And, I asked the PT how I was progressing compared to other patients with similar surgeries and he said I was way ahead of the game. He was even bragging on my progress to one of his friends that had stopped in for a visit.

Then, I went to my neurologist appointment. He was absolutely discouraging. He said that there is nothing he can help me with the neuropathy and nerve damage, no tests, medicines, or treatments. In fact, as far as he is concerned there is no reason for me to ever see him again. He said that he doubts I will ever be able to work again. Good news is that he is willing to write a letter to SS stating that. Bad news, is that he has just written me off.

The pain specialist is the only one who seems to have any hopes of helping me. It's hard not to be discouraged after that. I do have nerve conduction and EMG studies coming up by a different neurologist on Thursday. Maybe they will have something promising to offer.

Of course, I'm not stopping with this outlook. I obviously need a new neurologist just like I need a need primary. But it makes it so hard and when you are in intense pain, it is hard to feel hopeful especially if someone is basically telling you that there is no hope for you. He wouldn't explain anything to me.

So far, I have failed three of the nerve medications that they have tried.

I am sorry that once again you were treated horribly by a doctor.  I am hoping this new neurologist and PCP are better.  I just don't understand why doctors do not go that extra mile for their patients.  Even if the result is going to be we have exhausted what we can do.  They can at least be sympathetic about it sheeeeeesh.

Keep that thinking going about your knees.  You are doing great!  Probably better than I ever have and I have had 7 surgeries on the same knee. 

We really aren't going to know anything for sure until we get the results of the emg and nerve conduction test.  Then we will know more and know what can be done if anything.  So don't sweat what that butthead doc said to you chickie. 

Hey...loves yas and always here for you. 

Deanna, I am so sorry you got such a lousy report from the neurologist.  You are right though.  You need a second opinion.  The pain specialist seems like a gem. See if he/she has any recommendations for a great neurologist!  Take that letter from the 1st neurologist and run with it!

Your post sounds much more positive than the last few.  I am so happy that it sounds more like the old you!  Keep up the hard work in PT and keep up the positive outlook.  You will get there. 



I'm so sorry about the neurologist.  Keep looking, there is someone out there who is willing to keep going and find something that works for you.

Meanwhile, keep your chin up and keep on trucking.  You truly are an inspiration for many of us on this board.  We miss hearing from you daily.  Don't let those knuckleheads keeps you away.  Keep us up to date.


deanna hang in there,that neurologist was not for will find someone who can help you.sometimes you have to keep looking for a doc that gets what your going just shows you how truely ignorant he really is to say that an not offer any hope.keep your chin up. we are all prayin for you.I am sorry that you had a crummy appointment. Please let us know what
the other Neuro says....

BeckyDeanna - don't let one Frat Boy MD get you down.  Morons.  Love CathyHi Deanna,
Ditto all of the above. The silver lining in all this is that you do have
another neurologist who is running the necessary tests and a pain
specialist who seems to really be in your corner. Hold on to those
doctors who are fighting for/with you.

Good luck with the neuro tests.

Deanna, I so wish I could send you my neurologist! She is also my pain management specialist. It's wonderful to have a doctor with both specialties. She is able to help with all the kinds of pain I have.

Of course, with RA and the other problems I have with resulting pain, it's very hard to keep my pain at a manageable level. But she never gives up on me. I've been with her for 4 years now.

I can't believe a doctor would say something like that! Well, yes I can, really. There are some very uncompassionate doctors out there.

I sure hope your new one is more engouraging.

Best of Luck

Keep us posted

Much love,



Sorry you didn't get the positive information you were looking for.

Don't give up.  There are miracles.  A positive mind can do wonders.  Here's a little story for brother was in a terrible car accident.  It took hours to get him out of the car with the jaws of life.  At the hospital they were going to amputate his leg, saying it was necessary and he would never be able to walk on it because of all of the damage.  My brother/parents said to save his leg.  The doctors went with the wishes, but repeatedy told them if there were a miracle and he walked, it would be a massive limp and he'd have severe pain for the rest of his life.  Long story short, he walks fine, no limp and has had no pain. 

Doctors do the best they can.  They do not, however, know everything.  They are human.

Just don't give up! Smile and do your best to find someone for a second opinion.  And yes, I know that at some point if you are given the same information, it is....what it is.  Good luck.

I am sorry to hear the neurologist was so disappointing.  You may remember, I am having similar neuro pains, I see a pain specialist tomorrow and will let you know if they tell me anything new.  Hang in there, love and hugs Deanna, I just wanted to add that YOU did not fail, the drugs failed you.  Love and gentle hugs.

I'm glad the knees are doing well. They were not knee replacements either.

You just have to keep searching until someone understands and can treat your nerve condition. At least the current nuerologist is sympathetic for SSI - he isn't saying it is all in your head.

Hi Deanna

What a crock!! I am glad you are going to see another doctor and still have some tests to run, that is so wrong for a dr to just give up on you like that. I sometimes feel that so many doctors esp. when treating RA type conditions just go through the motions.

You are moving ahead Deanna - still with some setbacks but you are progressing.   I worked for drs for a while and some of them were ......human and fallible and some were downright hopeless.   Keep on searching out for that good one who is going to help you, they are out there.  RA is often 2 steps forward and 1 step back but remember back to how you were just recently before your op & that you are better now than you were then and hopefully when another month has gone by you will also be feeling better than you are now.

Good luck,

