Pain speciliast update | Arthritis Information


Forgive me but I copied and pasted this from another message board I belong to as my hands are DONE I am still working on photos from my trip to Mexico and will post them soon!!

Today though, was back to reality. I spent 5 (yes FIVE) hours at the pain clinic. My appt was at 9:45, got there at 9:30, the doc didn't see me until almost noon! But, than she spent 2.5 hours with me.

Let me start by saying I just don't know what to think. First of all, the office is more like a spa, on the new patient forms they ask if you are interested in botox, skin treatments and other cosmetic stuff. This pain specialist was recommended to me by my rheumy doc.

She has a western medicine degree, but practices very eastern medicine. Ok, I'm cool with that. She did a FULL medical history and exam. My hands are killing me so to keep this relatively short, the jist is-----yes, she also agrees that I have sero negative, ra, fibro, ibs, polyrheumatica arthritis, neuropathy----all things I have been told before.

She also says my adrenal systems, lymphatic system and liver are shut down. My pupils no longer respond to light, I am a bit jaundice, I have a systemic yeast infection, my chi is blocked(??), I have pelvic floor something or other---a few others things I can't remember at the moment.

She says the swelling in my limbs is being caused by myofascial muscle con stricture something, something something----basically all my muscles are constricted so tightly that blood can not flow, the tendons and ligaments are being damaged and the waste that your cells produce can not be carried away. Ok, makes sense.

She had no comment at the moment on the causes of the miscarriages.

She is drawing more blood tomorrow after fasting, didn't exactly understand all of what its for but a more intensive thyroid and sugar test, hormones, I guess a lot more but I can't think clearly right now.

I will see this special physical therapist next Wednesday who treats this sort of thing. After the blood work comes back, I will start a two month treatment course for the yeast and IV infusions to supplement the organ failure and whatever hormones and vits I am low on.

She is checking to see if she can get the insurance to pay for acupuncture and massage therapy. I am not exactly sure on what the treatments are going to be at the moment. She wants me to stop working and apply for disability but I explained to her that I can not afford to stop working, let alone stop working AND pay for these treatments.

My head is spinning, I am hurting and just can't stop crying. I just have no more energy to deal with this or anything else for that matter. Can I just run away to Mexico forever and pretend this is not my life???

Michele....((((HUG)))  it almost sounds as if some of the issues that have just been awful for you are going to be resolved.  A systemic yeast infection is just horrible and can cause so many other problems.  I am glad that is going to be taken care of. 

I know we say hang in there a whole lot to everyone, but hang in there.  Some of these treatments and what she said to you makes a whole lot of sense.  It doesn't hurt to try the acupuncture and massage therapy if your insurance covers it.  Who knows, it may work well for you.  Besides...getting a massage that you don't have to pay for?? HEAVEN!!!!!

You are in my thoughts and prayers a lot hun. 

I have been seeing a massage therapist weekly. She just works on my extremities. My feet and hands are so ravaged. It is giving me tremendous mobility and I feel it is beneficial.

At 80 bucks a session, I may have to cut back soon...but it is heaven.

I have had tremendous relief from accupuncture. Keep an open mind! Hang in there!

Sorry you're going through all of this Michele.  Sounds like they are understanding what's going on....hopefully they'll be able to get things going to make you feel better.


Michele, I know you are overwhelmed. That is a lot to take in. But I'm glad that she is looking outside the box for answers. If what she says is true, it makes sense with all that you have been describing. I think that this is a good thing. Even if she is only able to fix a few things, it will be so much better than where you have been of late.

And, if she can do anything for you to improve your life and well being, then you probably will be able to keep working. If that's not going to continue to be possible, you will come to that point of decision yourself. I worked until it wasn't possible for me any more. Every day, I want to go back to work. But I still know that I am not able no matter what any person in the rest of the world has to say about it. I know. It's just not possible. If you get to this point, you will know it. Somebody gave me that advice and I know that they were right. Probably was Roxy. If not, it was one of several others.

I know that you feel like she threw too much at you and yes, retreating back to Mexico would be a nice idea. Hey, maybe the two of you could just move there or do like Linda and her husband do and spend half their year in Mexico. The world is full of possibilities.

I'm full of hope for you. I just feel like someone is going to discover what is at the bottom of all this. It sounds like something serious is going on and you just cannot give up on the search for your answers.

I know it is hard because I'm right there with you. My pain specialist is the only one looking for answers. My physical therapist is my cheerleader telling me that I'm doing a great job. My neurologist told me this week that I'll never work again and there is nothing else that he could possibly do for me and no, I don't need to make another appointment because hey, he's basically giving up all hope for me. Then, I had my nerve conduction tests done today and I have absolutely no neuropathy. None. Nada. This is after the primary and neurologist absolutely said I did. But fortunately the pain specialist wanted proof. So YEAH!!!

You keep seeing this doctor that at least wants to look for answers. At least she is testing you to see if something is going on. And massage therapy is Godsend. She might have to get it approved under manual therapy rather than massage therapy. Also, some massage schools will do it for half what it costs at a fancier place. Massage therapy is good because it really does have that hands on healing of one human with another.

Keep trying. I'll keep looking for my answers and you do the same. My daughter and I have this agreement. I can't give up and you can't either. It's got us through a lot of tight, painful spots. Make that agreement with me, Michele, because I so want to see you well.

Thanks girls.  I appreciate all the support.  I have not had too much time to research the treatments options she has suggested but I am going to proceed with whatever she suggests at the moment.

Today started off pretty crappy though I got to the drs office for my fasting blood draw at 8:45, its just supposed to take a few minutes right? I KNOW I am a hard stick but after 9 pokes, apparently I passed out for 15 minutes!!!!!! I guess they had to put oxygen on me and were about the call an ambulance when I came to.

All my veins blew, I am welted, black and blue and can't lift my arms. They had actually even tried the underside of my wrist and omg does that hurt now.

They were insistent on me going to the hospital but I refused. I didn't get out of that office until 20 minutes after 10 and my boss had tried to call me 3 times thinking I was in an accident or something.

So, here I sit at work, the boss in, patients scheduled all day, still bleeding from a few spots, weak, tired and feeling like absolute butt. I am so glad its Friday. Did I mention that they never got the blood they needed so I have to go back Monday??!!!!!!

Really, can I just go back to mexico????? PLEEAASSSEEEEEEE??????

I promise Deanna, I will not give up but I so need a rest.  I am really to the point that I can't work.  I can not pick up screws, adjust glasses, I can barely make it to the office everyday.  I do not know what options are available for even short term disability but I plan to check on it Monday.  As with so many of us, if only money wasn't an issue.....
Oh, I forgot to mention Deanna, YAY on not having any neuropathy!!!!!!!  My emg tests came back with mild neuropathy which is better than severe right?  Maybe you should ask your therapist about the muscle constricture thing, it makes sense. You're really having one heck of a time Michele.  Good luck on Monday...hope it goes better than it did today.


I know it sounds overwhelming right now. Just remember, one day at a time, one treatment at a time. You're going to feel better. You are. It's going to work. I'm off Humira now and starting Remicade in a few weeks and my doc keeps telling me we'll keep trying until we find something that works. We have to believe. Right? I'm believing for you Michele. Hugs!!!!

Sorry about the blood test mess. But I feel excited that just maybe this is the one that is going to get your bod back on some kind of decent track.

Deanna you can still have nueropathy that does not show on tests. That is mild - you can totally recover. Good riddance to the neuro. Any chance of getting into Barrows?

It sounds to me that she is taking the holistic approach to your care which is
good. Don't try to think of it all at one time. Just take one thing at a time
and little by little, she will help you restore your body back to a balance it
needs. I love the idea of osteopathic medicine. They don't treat the
symptoms, they try to get to the root of the problem. I'm sorry to hear that
you are having a rough time and I'm so glad you got some time away.
HugggsMichele, I think you are very fortunate to have found a doc willing to look at the whole picture, even if it now seems to you to be just a big, jumbled jigsaw puzzle. How about taking one thing that she mentioned, at a time, and researching it, getting your questions answered, or making a list of questions, then moving on to the next? The part that struck me the most was the systemic yeast infection. One good place to research this is (You can do a search). Many of us on AP battle this. Also search for "leaky  gut". Many people feel that leaky gut is at the bottom of many, if not all, of the autoimmune diseases.  Best of luck to you, keep us posted. Pat