Venting | Arthritis Information


Ok so I posted a week or 2 ago....was flairing....still am. Not good! Im taking enbrel, mtx,and just 5 mg prednisone. There isnt really anythingn i can do im at school for another week. But im just so sick of it! Every year when it starts warming up I flair and dont get things under control again until the fall..........why? ithought people got worse in the winter not spring/summer! this is the way its always been for me.

i always go dance even if it hurts and i might not be able to do it all, last week i skipped ballet. im taking an EMT class......actually about to finishone. anyway i had so much trouble carrying the people up and down the stairs!

when i was being carried up the teacher said, stop look at what you are doing to her neck, imagine this patient was an 80 year old women with need to be more carefull, he doesnt know i have arthritis and am 19!

grrrrr im sick of all of this medical stuff!!!! my stomach has been awfull as well....least my bladder is under control right?Sorry you're feeling rotten right now...hope you feel better soon.

Looks like lots of meds already but squawk to your doctor. I don't see an nsaid - they make a huge difference for me in stiffness and pain level.

I admire your courage, and your will to go and do your stuff. But you are really over doing with this flare going on. Ballet  - I love to dance but not on my toes! Imagine the impact of a leap....

I'm so sorry you are hurting. But all of us have to learn limits - ballet for even the strongest and healthiest is a very short career. It can and does cripple normals. 

Maybe I shouldn't post this... Oh sweetie I hope this flare ends for you soon.  Take it easy and don't push yourself.  I know you want to do EVERYTHING there is do but mebbe with the flare you just can't now.  When it is over then mebbe back to all the dancing and stuff.

I feel your pain about carrying people up and down the stairs.  I had to medically retire as a paramedic because of my knee.  You are doing a wonderful thing tho.  I hope you can keep at it.


Dear Littlemermaid, good to hear from you again, but not that you are suffering. You are living a very busy life, perhaps you can get a plan for reducing your obligations/stress is a real bother. Good luck, hurting lessthanks a lot you guys. im not dancing so much just 2 hours a week, itsnothing, i used to do a ton of gymnastics but....yea this weekend is going to be crazy with homework and studying but not to busy physically, sooo thats good.

Nsaid.....thats an idea i tried a ton of them in the past though and after i was about 14 they didnt help anymore just messed up my stomach........

Sorry you are down.  I was an EMT and it is a lot of heavy lifting.  You feel the way I do before winter.  Wierd how yours is turned around.  Maybe this year will be different.  Wishing you sunshine and no pain Thanks Roxy..........haha lifting is gonna be 5 feet sooo not very big add that with bad joints lol

we were practicing the traction split and they were doing it on me and then we found out that if you have bad joints it hurts very more traction for me!!!

Im just sick of being different then everyone else. like i wish i knew other people like in real life at school and stuff. My roommate has crohns and she just met another girl with crohns. I feel like somonhow when she hurts its a bigger deal cause she doesnt hurt all the time and i do...........and since its not gonna put me in the hospital it doesnt matter

About the dancing and stuff my philosophy is it hurts sitting around and it hurts dancing so i do what i like cause im going to hurt either way, i mean with in reason there are some times when i just cant but ussually i just deal with it.
