I CAN LOG IN AGAIN | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone - I have managed to log in again. Like someone else on the other thread I was trying to log in through my bookmark & couldnt but tried through the main site just now and it worked out fine.   I guess the message I got saying I was banned was put up by 'you know who' and then deleted but with my limited knowledge of computers I didnt know to try going through the main site again - thanks for your advice re that.
I have had the worst flare I have had in years for the past few days but it is passing so hopefully I will be
feeling better again soon.

Bookmarks can be a b*tch. May I ask what Browser you use?
Like I have said Katie I am computer illiterate - is Internet Explorer the browser - I am embarrassed!!

Cassie yes it is. LoL You use Microsoft Internet Explorer....Hmm. I wonder if you have 6, or 7.....


You use Windows 98, and Microsoft IE 5.

Girl, you need something new! That's your entire problem right there. The internet itself is about to surpass your entire computer. LOL Technology just goes so fast, it's hard to keep up. I'd say try to update your internet explorer, but I'm afraid it would slow down your comp too much, since you're still on Windows 98. ALTHOUGH - Windows 98 is still the most stable OS.....(I haven't used Vista for more than a few minutes yet, so Vista may make me eat my words)

Go to microsoft.com and download the latest updates for internet explorer. It could take a while, but it's worth it!!!
arriscolwell39164.9383912037Welcome back Cassandra. I have been thinking of you . Did you ever find
the spice for the beans and rice. If not, I would be glad to send you some.
It is worth trying. Let me know.Hi Lorster - I havent forgotten about your beans and rice dish - I have been flaring and havent been into the city where there is a little shop that specialises in Mexican food so I am hoping they will have it. Thank you so much for your offer to send me some - I will definitely let you know if & when I find it.
Kind regards,
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