Anyone switch from mtx tabs to injectable | Arthritis Information


I have been on 20 mg mtx for a few months and it's helped a lot. 

I have been trying to get off prednasone.  I have been slowly tapering  down from 20 mg. pred and was doing OK.   However at the 10 mg level the pain has increased a bit.  So I don't dare go any lower on the pred.

The Doc said something would have to be added to the mtx to prevent damage to my joints. We decided, as a first step, to try 25 mg mtx injectable.

Has anyone else gone the injectable mtx route?
I switched to injectable because of stomach upset with the pills.  It really didn't help as far as the tummy problems but it is supposed to be better absorbed than the pills so I have stuck with it.  It's not hard to do as long as you don't have a needle phobia.I used to get the Methotrexate injections and they worked great.  The doc took me off though because I like to have a few drinks now and again.  My Dr just switched me to injectable along with the Enbrel.  He said that I might not be absorbing all of the MTX.  The damage has stopped but oh the pain and slight swelling.


How do you know your damage has stopped?  How will I know when my damage has stopped?



i have never been on the pills, today is my second injection of mtx.  i am a nurse and give shots all day to people but am still asking a friend to come over and give me mine today after she gets off work. I think i am more afraid of the side affects than the shot itself. Any one know how long it takes for the mtx. to kick in? what are the earliest it has helped? 2 weeks.8? 3 months? I am also on 10mg pred a day. 

I swtiched from pills to injections and I like it much better.  It is also cheaper for me to do. 

More of the medication is absorbed and it is absorbed faster with injections.  It is weird to inject yourself no matter if you give injections or not.  I count to 3 and then "dart" (I do it IM) myself.  And I was a paramedic for years. 

There really is no timeline on when the mtx becomes effective since we are all different as individuals.  it could be one shot...or it could be 5 shots.  There is just no telling. 

As far as telling when damage has stopped or slowed down, that often takes a series of comparison xrays.  Like xrays before meds are started and then at certain points that your RD determines during treatment with meds.  Then the docs compare the all the xrays to look at any damage.  They can tell by that if it has stopped or slowed down. 

You can generally tell when your meds kick in because one morning you will wake up and be like wow...I feel different...I feel a little bit better!  And some energy comes back too!  When your meds kick in please remember to take it slow and easy and gradually build yourself back up into activites.  You don't want to overdo and put yourself right back where you started!!!

I keep a daily log and I went back to see how long the pills took.  On Nov.14th,  I was on 20 mg. pred. and  had just started on 10 mg mtx tablets . The pain was very bad.

By Dec 17 the pain was cut in half and by Jan.7 it was down more to what I called pretty annoying but I was  functional again.  By this time I was on 15 mg. mtx and 15 mg pred.

By Feb 10th I was on 20 mg. mtx pills and 12.5 mg pred and the pain had dropped to  just slightly annoying.

However when I cut the pred. back to 10 mg., the pain returned to the pretty annoying level and stayed there.  Thus the change to the 25 mg injectable mtx.

Hope this info is of some help.
gramma scittles, you give mtx. IM with the big needle? my doctor ordered me subq shots.  I know in the PDR it says IM. I hope i am doing it right? Don't worry, it can be done either IM or sub q.  I think it just depends on what the doc prefers.  The needle isn't big in gauge size but is 1 1/2 inches long to get into the muscle.  The gauge on it is only a 25 gauge which is pretty small.  That is what matters when it comes to pain factor of any needle.  The bigger the number the smaller the gauge of the needle.  The smaller the number the larger of the gauge of the needle.  12 or 14 gauge needles are HUGE and HURT when you have to have one.  Those are used for IV's when you want to get fluids in fast like in a trauma situation. 

Phatgirl - My x-rays last week had the same damage as my prior ones and nothing new says my rheumy.

Take care.

Gotcha!  Great news!  I'm happy for you and hope to be where you are someday soon



My experience is that MTX makes me feel 'a little strange' the next day, but not awful. A friend does injections because of stomach upset by the pill. I've heard it surely takes weeks for MTX to work, and maybe longer? (I went from plaquinel to MTX, so the transition was different) Now I take 6 MTX @ 2.5, Just had 3rd Remicade last week and trying to go from 3-(2)-1 prednisone. (My ankle is stiff today?!) Something new as it was my knee last week! Will this ever end?)


I did both the tablets and the injectible and had much better results (both in terms of how I felt from side effects and the impact on the RA) with the injectible.  In fact, when I was on MTX and Plaquinel(?) together, that was the best I have ever felt!  If I hadn't developed an allergic reaction to it, I would probably still be on it.