Could It Be? | Arthritis Information


I took my 6th Enbrel injection last Tuesday evening.  Yesterday it seemed that I accomplished a lot and it happened again today!

I don't use Pred. and did take my pain meds but usually the pain is so horrible that I seem to get nothing done and the pain meds were only cutting the sharpest edge. 

Oh my God what a miracle!  The things that I did were only cooking and paperwork but in the past I would never have been able to do so much.  I just want to cry it is so neat!  Over two years of horrible pain and stiffness and finally a break.

Ok, I will be sure not to overdue it.  I felt alive again today.

Sorry for rambling but I am just so grateful!

Halleiluja! or however you spell that!


That's Great! It is sooo hard not to overdo it when we feel good so be
careful. BUT=enjoy it!!

What great news! I'm so very happy for you! Enjoy every minute, but be a little careful. Sometimes it's awfully hard to slow down when you feel so good after a long time.

Keep Well!

Gentle Hugs,



I'm so happy for you Bonny!  good on you. Yes it is amazing how those shots help, now don't over do it.  Congrats on feeling so good!!! memeBonny that is so cool to hear! I hope it continues for....well forever... I am awfully glad to hear your doing well!!!! That's great to hear!  Yep, don't overdo it and take it easy.  When I first started feeling better after my horrible time this past fall and winter, I actually took a day just to sit around and be like this is great!!!  And did nothing.  Just enjoyed feeling good!Awesome Bonny, just awesome!  I know the feeling and it gives you that reborn feeling.... with all the bells & whistles. Go for it Bonny, but go for it gently. YAY!!!!!! :) Go Bonny! *does a cripple dance* I'm so happy for you!!!! As everyone's already said...don't overdo it! Take it easy and ENJOY THE CRAP OUT OF IT!!!! :)

I will work to help someone else feel better in their darkest times and celebrate with them in their successful ones as has been done for me.

This was the first forum that I found upon receiving the RA Dx and it continues to be great with veteran knowledge and newly Dx'd.  It has been my opinion that some of the veteran RA'rs here do have a wider knowledge base than some Dr's due to their lifelong battle with RA.  Make no mistake it is a battle but can be won as we learn to adjust our lives.
