Ultram Blues | Arthritis Information


My RD pushes hard the Ultram/Tramadol for pain.  It is supposed to be non-narcotic and more difficult to get addicted to.  I find it only somewhat helpful on pain. But what it really does is wind me up.  I can't take it at night becuase it keeps me awake. And when I take it during the day I get very cranky and short-tempered. Does this happen to anyone else?I took Ultram, but not tramadol, maybe the two combined aren't good. I later read Ultram actually can cause joint pain (read the label!!) and that's not what we all need. You might need to sort this all out with your doctor. Is that list below other meds you take?

hurts, ultram and tramadol are the same thing.  one i believe is the generic of the other.  I took one of the two also and i didnt find much help w/ it either.  Is there something that the dr can have you take for at night only? Maybe a muscle relaxer?

I want to hear more about this ultram(tramadol) causing joint pain. How do i know if my pain is from the ultram or the arthritis?  I am in too much pain right now to go off, but maybe thats whats causing this????I never liked Ultram.  Gave me little or no pain relief and made me feel depressed and spacy.  I personally don't like the drug N & T

I'm going to chimed in. I've been taking Ultram for a long time. I only take it at night and have no trouble sleeping unless my pain is caused by muscle spams. I take it with Advil as I can't take Celebrex. Like all meds, it may work for one and not someone else.

See if your RD can put you on something else.

I, also, use my tens unit for pain and this helps.

I hope that you're able to find something.

I took it for a while, it was okay - it worked great for the first week or two, then its effectiveness wore off. It ended up making me constipated more than anything. I could sleep or stay awake on it, didn't really matter for me. From the sound of this thread, the side effects of Ultram are *very* individual. It doesn't look like any two of us have had the same reaction to it!I took Ultram (oxycodone also which was the best but no one liked me to take it!, I wasn't craving it or anything, but some people do), after heart surgery, and couldn't take RA meds. Well, I read on the 'sheet that comes with the Ultram' that it can cause joint pain???! Which as we all know I didn't need. Sure enough when I got on prednisone, all went much better. I was very nervous and shakey taking Ultram/Tramadol and it did little for the pain so I changed to Norco (hydrocodone/tylenol).Thanks for the feedback.  I have an appointment with the RD tomorrow and Ultram/Tramadol is one of the subjects.  I'm glad to see it wasn't just me who thought this drug had strange side-effects.  I would get really dizzy and loopy on it.  I could not tolarate it all.  My Mom did find lots of releif on it.

I take tramadol on a regular basis. It helps me.....but it's not extremely strong and if I'm in a lot of pain it will take more than the recommended dose. I rarely do that; but I'd be lying if I said I never have.

I do use muscle relaxers in addition to tramadol and I've found those to be very helpfu.

Tramadol works ok for me. I like it because it does not contain tylenol - I don't need any more stress put on my liver from a drug I find useless (tylenol). If I could get darvon/darvacet without aspirin/tylenol, I would take that. But I can't - all the narcotics seem to be mixed with tylenol.

It has given me back my life!! I can actually DO some things again. No side effects, I sleep better now that the pain is relieved somewhat. It takes about 3 hrs to work, tho.

I was burning a hole in my tummy from OTC meds so I am very happy to find ultracet.


I too find that Ultram is of very little help for pain relief and I also cannot take it at night because it keeps me awake.


We give this drug like candy at the hospital, And I always know that within
the hour,that light will go on for something else because the Ultram is not
working...and it hardly ever does it seems. So then, the patient has two
drugs in their system to have to fight side effects to. Why don't the doctors
just give the narc because we are gonna give it anyway.

hummmm, I took tramadol after by-pass surgery, one didn't help and two made me puke.My sister with RA took it for awhile, two at a  time and was a ZOMBIE, slurred speech, and  very sleepy the whole time, though it did help with her pain. Choose your demons........Genesis

I take tramodol  daily.  2 in the morning 2 at bedtime. No side effects and it  helps a lot without that "ooooh pain killer" feeling. Tramadol made me very sick, I saw things coming out of my walls but it was an allergic reaction, I get the same reaction with Vicks medi-nite or Night nurse flu remedies

I've posted this recipe before but will post it again. I absolutely agree with Marian about the liver clogging acetomenophin (tylonal). Acetomenophin and the high doses of asperin can be filtered out of the pain meds.

1. Crush the tablets into powder

2. Mix the powder into 2 oz. of almost boiling water

3. Cool the liquid to below 40 degree, not freezing

4. Filter the liquid thru a coffee filter

5. Drink the bitter liquid or mix with juice

The acetomenophin will be filtered from the opiod.


Lev, why don't you have your doctor prescribe plain codeine? It would seem
so much easier for you. Ick, I took ultram, and I don't know. It didn't help much with my pain, and it made me feel just WIERD.

Then when I passed out last Nov and hit my head hard enough to have a seizure, they took me off it and switched me over to vicodin. I guess it can cause seizures. It also made me jumpy. I just HATED being on it. I felt like I had drank 4 double shots of espresso with one, and with two (which I needed two for ANY relief) made me MEAN.

Now I take percocet (the 10/325 ones....) and OMG, it's a LIFESAVER. I don't have the "I took something for my pain" feeling, I just feel NORMAL. It's nice. Vicodin always makes me loopy (when I take the proper amount for any pain relief) Thank god for pain management (I think I found a good one). I'm prescribed 4 a day. They told me yesterday if I want to go on something stronger next month, they don't have a problem with it. But I'm not thrilled at the thought of morphine. Frankly, the percocet scares me!!!!

I have a VERY high tolerance for drugs though, I have my entire life. *shrugs* FINALLY have some Drs who BELIEVE me!!!

But if it's not helping, call and get them to give you something else. Vicodin or Darvocet maybe. Thats where I went after tramadol. I think most Drs starts with Tramadol and go from there (since it's not a controlled substance)

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