BE CAREFUL IN THE MORNING not to fall! | Arthritis Information


DEAR FOLKS, I almost feel getting into the shower (ove the tub) this morning. My ankles are really stiff and painful and weak! This is NEW to me!! I've tipped on the carpet, down my stairs and getting around on uneven ground! We all must be very careful not to fall!! This goes on all day, but especially in the morning, for me. You aren't kidding we have to be careful.  Ow ow ow ow ow if we fall.  I slipped this past winter on a hallway tile floor that was wet from snow.  I didn't even see it was wet. 

Thank you for the reminder! That is so true.

My neuropathy has caused me to lose balance, and it seems like when I start feeling too sure of myself is when I fall. I use a walker at home all the time, but I have even fallen and got tangled up in my walker.

You are so right. We must always be careful.

Take care. It is so scarey to start falling for no reason.





I've posted before about how getting into my shower say the least. I don't know HOW many times I've almost taken a nasty spill. I'm still waiting for the day that I do, even though I take every precaution I can think of!! And then there's the moments where I trip over my own shoes. No. Not my shoelaces. Just my shoes. Yes, they're the right size. I just suck at walking apparently.

Glad to hear you DIDN'T actually fall! Though sometimes catching ourselves is more painful than if we'd just let go and fell!!! It takes some getting used to, this whole imbalance thing - but one day we'll all get the hang of it! (I'll be 100 though, and the only reason I'll have "defeated" it is because I'm friggin bedridden. Hahahaha)

This makes me wonder if imbalance isn't a part of RA that we haven't really explored yet.  I find myself off balance (shut it Katie!!!) a lot.  Especially on stairs. 

I dunno.  Something to think about I guess. 

I'm sure you are all sick of me saying NSAIDs can cause dizziness. But I'm clummsy and crash too. Stiffness plays a part in being a clutz, and so does fatigue. I don't know what to do about it either - I'm careful but I still crash. I feel very unsteady on uneven surfaces. We are in Boston and walking some
of those brick and cobblestone walks just kills me. My husband does not
get it. I feel like I'm gonna fall on them. Does anyone else have problems
with uneven surfaces?Yes, I do.  I live in Old Town Alexandria.  Just outside of DC.  The sidewalks and many of the roads are cobblestone or old brick.  It has really cut down on my walking (well, RA cut down on my walking