My Perspective | Arthritis Information


I think I’ve figured this out - the tension on this board. What we are witnessing is a confined group of people who have been battling RA for many, many years and some for much of their lives. Then you have another group of a few people like me who are newly diagnosed. The first group seems to find acceptance only with those from their own group and on occasion, a person or two from the second group that is highly vulnerable, scared, and naive enough to believe that the person who has battled this disease for many years can offer the greatest comfort. The stronger willed person from the second group likely just lurks or has never found a need to look for support through the internet highway, so they say nothing. What you are left with is the dominating first group who can’t understand those from the second group who can live a normal life despite the diagnosis. That doesn’t mean the second group is not empathetic or lacks compassion - it means the two groups can’t relate. The first group believes that they are the perfect consultants to the many drugs available but can easily and inadvertently misguide a newly diagnosed patient with what worked or didn’t work for them. The first group, and this is not just a general observation - it’s factual, spend countless hours posting - some genuine RA related posts, but more personal communication that would be done more appropriately outside of a public forum. They reply to posts they don’t like, they reply to posts that really don’t involve them, and they reply even when they don’t have anything constructive to say (ie. the clapping smiley). They just have a need to be included and when they feel they’re being left out, they draw attention to themselves in all kinds of ways. When someone strong willed, like me, comes along, they feel invaded and threatened so they come together to lash out at me at every opportunity in hopes that I will go away. They don’t want to lose their power to control the content of this public forum. When someone like MoD or Levlarry, etc. challenge the first group they automatically assume it’s all the same person and start lashing out obscenities and the like. Again, they must control the content.

Unless many persons from the second group come forward, this forum, unfortunately, will continue to follow the historical context of the first group.


start lashing out obscenities and the like.


Yeah, not sure why anyone has to do that. 


I respectfully ask that you stop stirring this pot.  You joined in Feb of 07.  You don't know the history of this board.  It is quite obvious by reading the posts that this is a battle that started long before you or I came.  So, to say that the "old timers" don't like the newcomers is a crock of crap.  I think you should leave that battle between those who know it best.  You are fueling the fight.  I, too, am a newcomer, although I have been here a lot longer than you.  You should MYOB and stop posting to stuff that doesn't involve you if you want "peace on earth" like you claim.  Personally, I think you are a sh*t stirrer that likes to get people going.

That's my take on things. 


There's some "trueth" here.

Ari - I thought you came here for information and support about RA? And yet I don't see you posting ANYTHING in relation to that.....Hmm. Interesting.

When I came here as a lurker, it was for information.  When I came here as a poster, it was to offer insight. 

The pot is only stirred by your presence on this particular post.  My intention is to draw out the people like me - not those who think and act like you.


Why don't AWAY!


I really don't understand all this negativity towards ari.  Why are so many here so mean?  And the very ones who are mean are the ones who get upset if anyone else on here is mean to anyone.  I just don't get it.

It isn't about newbies or those who have RA for years. Those are not two different groups. When a newbie, either new to the forum or new to RA, joins AI, it has always been up until recently the habit of greeting them and welcoming them aboard and encouraging them into taking an active role in asking and responding to questions.

Unfortunately, ARI did not get a good greeting. But it was in the way she delivered her own introduction. ARI you may not mean it this way, but you come across as being superior to the rest of us. You are new to the illness and currently responding to your medications. YEAH!!!! That's great! But at the same time, you insist on putting down anyone who doesn't have the same experience. You want us to go away.

Sorry. Not going to happen. I need the support I get from here because my illness has continued to advance no matter how hard the doctors and I have tried to make it otherwise. I have worked very hard to have the most out of life that I could get. I fought to keep working no matter what the cost was. But then joint after joint started fail me and it was becoming obvious to others that I was destroying my body in my attempt to keep going like nothing was wrong. My friends and family asked me to stop.

And, I stopped too late. Now, I have damage that is irreversible. The medicines that once helped me are now not even possible for me to take. I have lived my life to it's fullest. I have laughed and I have cried. I have lots of dreams and I am still trying to find a way to achieve them in spite of my limitations.

When you have gone through the trials that I and others have, then you can speak about positive attitudes. When your skin blisters and burns in the sun, or your internal organs get sick because you've been in the sun too long, you can decide how refreshing that sunshine is.

Not everyone has skin problems with the medications. But some do. I do. If I get too much sun exposure, I end up in the hospital. I have lesions and scars all over my body from where the combination of the sun and MTX and RA have damaged me.

You speak from ignorance and that is forgiveable. But what I have a hard time with is the arrogance you speak with. Maybe you should listen just once in awhile to others stories. Those who have had this disease for years just might know something or could point you in a direction for help at some point in the future.

My fear for you is that you will keep taking this better than you attitude and that when you really need help, or advice or just some comfort, you will have alienated yourself from the people most able to give it to you.

It is wonderful that you want to go on living as though RA has no effect on your life. May it continue this way. But there are some really great people that had that same attitude and the illness has ravaged their lives. It's not their fault. It's not their lack of getting proper medical care. It's not a lack of ambition, faith, positive thinking. It is what happened to them. RA is not a concept. It is an illness. Stop blaming us for having this illness. You have the same illness yet you seem to have no compassion for us who are suffering and fighting really difficult battles just to make it through each day.

I do not wish one moment of suffering on you. I hope you do find the help you need here. I believe that beyond the hard shell you are putting forth, that you are hurting and terrified about your future. Doctors are only part of the answer in defeating this illness. The meds another part. But a very important part is finding the support you need from other humans who can understand what your are going through.

Hopefully RA will never be any worse for you in the future than it is now. But if it progresses, in the pages of this forums and other support forums, you will find the warning signs of problems before they get to the point of irreversible damage. You'll learn how to protect your eyes, your heart, your lungs, your joints. You'll learn better foods to eat, vitamins that help. And you'll find that it is good to laugh and to cry with others and that can bring more healing than anything else.

Don't try and separate us from each other. We all need each other. Things have been said that have really hurt. I have been hurt and I know that you and others have. We need to stop hurting and start once more to help again.

Can we do that?

I'm as free to post anywhere on this board that you are. I'm not being mean, I'm simply pointing out my observations, just as you do. You claim I stir the pot by replying, and yet you *began* the post. Aren't we both eaqually guilty? My only purpose is to try to make you see that. That's all. I'm not trying to be mean or say anyones better than anyone else etc etc etc. You insist on shoving your opinions down our throats, and I'm simply giving you a taste of your own medicine.


Thanks for your wise words once again Deanna.  Words of peace and healing.  This board is for support, lets just support each other and  not try to psychoanalyze each other.  We all come for different types of support.  We all need different types of support at different times.  It about just being there for each other, listening and offering advice or just a shoulder to cry on.  As in a face to face support group, sometimes no words are needed just a nudge or a wink or a hug.

I do agree with ari that there have been a few here that use some bad language...that's something that really makes me wonder about that persons character.

Deanna - I couldn't read your entire post before, because I'm at work and we got busy..hehe But I came back to read it, because I LOVE reading your posts. They're wonderful.

I know you've been saying the same thing over and over, and you know I agree with you, even though I keep on poking at these issues. But I guess something was different this time. I'm completely done with all of this mess. Everything you've spoken is true. I apologize for dragging this issue out. I know other people agree with you, and I apologize to them as well.


"Don't try and separate us from each other. We all need each other. Things have been said that have really hurt. I have been hurt and I know that you and others have. We need to stop hurting and start once more to help again.

Can we do that?"

I can. And I will. Thank you mom, you're great :)

Yes, I don't really appreciate the language either. I just wish we could return to some state of peace and try and help each other once more.I wonder what group I fall in

Just like everyone here, I have my own opinion.  Ari33 struck me wrong from the first post.  I don't feel inferior to her, but I think she enjoys stirring the pot.

An example is:  when we were all talking about the Secret.  Instead of just letting it go, or putting in something constructive, she pipes up and says something to the effect of "isn't that what she has been trying to say all along". 

I have said this over and over.  It isn't her message.  It is the way she delivers it.  Most people would see that the board is calming down, for the most part.  So, what does she do, posts a post about "having it all figured out"  To me, that isn't someone who wants peace, that is someone who wants to keep things going at any/anyones expense.  I don't think she wants peace as she claims.  If she did, she wouldn't create these negative posts, respond to them or anything like that. 

Again, that is MY opinion and my opinion only.  I can only explain why I have always been at odds with this poster.  I can't speak for anyone else.  For all I know, I may be the only one who feels that way. 

Additionally, I haven't ever seen a post from Ari33 who shared any kind of experiences, she just wants to point out what everyone else is doing wrong. 

Personally, I think she is one of Mod's alter egos.  But, that's just my take on it.

Hope that gives some clarity to my reason for posting.



One more thing, I'm sure you didn't mean it this way, but getting into character flaws as you mentioned in your last post is a danger road to travel. 

I think judging one's character is best left to the powers that be, not you or me on a message board.


I don't have a problem with anyone telling their experiences or debating opinions on different subjects.  I just don't understand why the bad language has to be a part of it.

I just want everyone to get along.  There should be no seperate group, clique, or whatever the heck you want to call it.  I don't want to be personally attacked anymore either.  I did nothing to cause a personal attack to myself and it is just so very uncalled for.  I have been nothing but nice, kind, and caring to everyone on this board.  Why I was singled out to be attacked is very confusing to me. 

Yes, the language needs to stop.  This is a public forum and some people are deeply offended with foul language and that should be respected.  Any opinion posted by anyone should be respected as long as it is not mean, peronally attacking someone, or derogatory.

I am sorry I did drag out that issue with levlarry and I should have let it go after my first post.  However, I do have the RIGHT to defend my character.  His posts were personal attacks against my character and no one should have to stand for that no matter where it happens.

The only group that should be going on here includes all of us.  We are a group of people that have RA and need support.  Whether we are posting funny stuff or serious stuff, we are still a group of people searching for answers, comfort, and sometimes a little humor to lighten our day. 

As I have said before this is an unmoderated forum.  So that means we have to moderate ourselves. 

I am apologizing for my bad language in another post. It was uncalled for. I was never a "cusser" until I went through a divorce and I had a lot of pent up anger and became one. I am trying to change my bad habits. I had also taken a sleeping pill and (still no excuse) when I do, I lose my inhibitions. So, I'm sorry for my language.

I'll moderate myself better in the future



Ari, every single person that ripped your post is from the sushi club. I think that Phatgirl explains it best. She has scolded you and reminded you that you have not been a member long enough to have the right to post as you do:

Senior Member
Posted: 25 March 2007 at 9:34am | IP Logged


I respectfully ask that you stop stirring this pot.  You joined in Feb of 07.  You don't know the history of this board.  It is quite obvious by reading the posts that this is a battle that started long before you or I came.  So, to say that the "old timers" don't like the newcomers is a crock of crap.  I think you should leave that battle between those who know it best.  You are fueling the fight.  I, too, am a newcomer, although I have been here a lot longer than you.  You should MYOB and stop posting to stuff that doesn't involve you if you want "peace on earth" like you claim.  Personally, I think you are a sh*t stirrer that likes to get people going.

That's my take on things. 


Anytime anyone is stirring the "blank" pot, the finished recipe will always have a taste of Phatgirl and a slight hint of sushi. You and every member no matter when they joined AI, has as many rights to posting as any one. If you go to their site, they can tell you what to post. They try to run this site also. I think they just get confused sometimes. They forget which site they are at. This isn't their site.

MODR8R39180.7285069444This site is for everyone as far as I'm concerned but it gets like this when people dont want to come on here to socialise , vent and for information, they want to stir up bad feelings instead. What the heck is wrong with Sushi?The people over there have been on this site for a long time too and whether its here or there they are generally kind, welcoming and honestly nice folk.

Ari, I honestly do admire your "it's not going to stop me attitude".  You should be applauded for that and all of us need to be reminded that there is much we can do that we might not think we can do.  I want you to keep going and pushing the boundries and holding RA at bay and enjoy every minute of your life.  You are a young, active mother, and we could learn much from your experiences.

I once asked you to think about things with an openness of heart.  I am again asking that.  You are in a very good frame of mind right now, feeling positive and determined.  There are many here, however, who are not.  The approach that you have taken makes them feel you are blaming them for their illness, that it's their fault they are in so much pain, and their lives have been so devastated.  It is not their fault, and they deserve all the kindness and support we can give them.

Empathy is a very valuable POSITIVE trait.  Trying to truly understand what another is thinking and how they feel, and connecting with them on an emotional level, and letting them know you genuinely care about them.  It doesn't mean you have to feel the same way, but it does mean you understand and validate their feelings.

Insensitivity is a very NEGATIVE trait.  No one can truly be a positive, upbeat, free spirit if you are being insensitive to others. 

You will only know what you know, when you know it.  You probably have never really, really been down so low that your only source of  hope and courage to face another day must come from others.  When your tank is empty, you're scared and feel alone.  There are people here who's lives have been far more difficult than yours or mine and they need us.   And we need them.  They are always here when I need advice or friendship - they would be here for you too if you gave them the chance.

Ari please don't be down on what you call the old timers, they welcomed me when I came to this board and I was very frightened when I first joined, they open their arms to me and welcomed me to the fold.  I understand you are just trying to put in perspective your feelings on what is happening to you and trying to understand many of us.  We don't need to be divided into groups we are people who are living with a terrible disease and trying to live as normal life as possible, some of us respond better, to the meds and others don't.  Some want to do alternative therapy, others don't or don't believe in it.  Life is not always peaches and cream, it can be bitter and sour like a lemon, but if you learn you can make some damn good lemonade out of it.  To everyone PLEASE stop the fighting and learn to at least tolerate each  other.  WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER NOT TEAR EACH OTHER APART!!  xoxoxox  meme

And by the way, maybe some of you would call this a flare - I worked a pretty long and stressful week last week and by Friday I couldn’t make a fist with my left hand. I couldn’t really pinpoint where this originated but I took Ibuprofen Friday night and Sat Morning then went on an extensive shopping trip. By the time I returned home, 12 hours later, my hand was completely normal. I could have easily taken the easy road and stayed home worrying that I was having a "flare" but to be honest, I have no idea what it was. Perhaps someone here will have some insight!

In the fall I came here with newly diagnosed RA in the mild/moderate range.  I was immediately made to feel welcome and was amazed at how quickly and kindly everyone -- with all degrees of disease and years of experience -- responded to every inquiry I had.  When I gave my 6 month update and announced that I'm close to remission, I received good wishes from everyone -- again with all degrees of disease and years of experience.

For me, this forum is where I can connect with those who really understand the trials, tribulations and occassional triumphs we encounter with RA.

As a community, we will naturally share many aspects of our lives. More than just RA.  I, for one, welcome this sharing and like to know that this forum is here if when I need it.

yea i like hearing and talking about things other then RA ...if we didnt we wouldnt get the enjoyment of the mental pictures on Joonie getting eaten by the moving sidewalk

I welcome your positive attitude. Appreciate it in fact; but don't belittle people by thinking that their "Flares" are anything simular your little hand problem that was easily controled by IUB and an "extensive" trip to the mall.

I'm real glad to hear that your hand problems are easily forgotten by a fun filled day at the mall; but the majority of the people you seek to belittle haven't been able to go to the mall and shop til they drop in many years.

There's no comparison there and you are foolish to believe what these people suffer from is anything like that.



I have stayed out of most of these posts but this one really upsets me.  I agree with Lovie, its great you are doing so well but do not even think for one little second that you can compare your ra to what many of us are going through! Kiwilass239175.3173032407

You know Ari33, there's something about you. I've tried to be open minded. I've tried to put myself in your shoes. Heck, compared to many people on this board my RA is mild. When I first came to this forum, I didn't know anything about RA. And you know what? These people didn't scare me. They informed me. I realized what COULD happen to me. I realized what MIGHT happen to me. I understood that I needed to take my medication religously.I knew that I could only live one day at a time and try not to worry too much about my future. But there is something about you that does not ring true. I can't help feeling that you are damned if you're not going to get someone fired up, every time you post. Every time. I believe your goal is to make people feel bad about themselves. It's the little "stingers" you insert in your posts. It's the way you say things. You're smart. Oh, I believe you know exactly what you're doing. You've chosen to ignore the advice to use some empathy and compassion in your posts. I feel very sad for you, Ari. I'm afraid that one day if you are disabled with a disease as many on this board are, you will have absolutely no one in your life who will want to be around you. I hope that doesn't happen. But I would say to you, give compassion and compassion will be given to you.


Or once she's as far into it as we are, she'll turn into someone like Lev/MOD/N4SR etc etc etc.....

So Ari, why don't you just post something positive instead of just grumbling?

[QUOTE=micheleb]You do not need to apologize for your healthy state, just don't even pretend though to understand what we go through.  My insight is that you are insensitive.  Its true, not everyone who gets ra is as bad off as some of us are but don't assume that we are taking the easy way out.  Have you not seen some of the pictures people have posted of their swollen limbs?????  Are you saying those people should just ignore that swelling and the pain you know they have to feel with it and just go shopping?????

Micheleb, You are absolutely correct - I do not necessarily understand what many of you go through but I can promise you that I've never pretended to understand either.  That's the issue that no one seems to understand.  You don't know me and if you did you would not think of me as insensitive - blunt perhaps would be more fitting.  How many times must I say I'm looking for people here who can relate to my life but never fail, I usually end up offending the very people I've been trying to avoid.  It's not because I lack compassion, I can't help you.  I don't agree that I should bluff my way through to be accepted - it's just not my style.  I tend to look for sunshine even on the gloomiest of days!

You  say you're looking for people who can relate to your life - well ari, honestly you may not find that here. Typically people who join support forums like this one are in a bad way. You yourself have said that you're not that bad off. So how can you be so ....whatever you are....when you can't find anyone on this board who has such little issue with their disease? It's just not typical to find people like that on a support forum. So if you are so well off, then what kind of support are you looking for?  This is the first forum that pops up on search engines, and because of that you will find a LOT of people who are VERY bad off. That's sort of what it's here for. Support. That doesn't seem to be what you're after, though I'm not sure what you are after.

You don't have to bluff anything, but then neither to we. 99.9% of us came here because we were/are at our wits end over this disease and what it's done to us. We've found support, caring, love, and friends. And we are not the same type of people as you - we need to vent and get mad and cry and spout off every now and then to feel better. So what?

You keep looking for sunshine in *every* post that we make. You're NOT always going to find it. Plain and simple. It's just not realistic here. So maybe you can continue to post RA related questions and words of advice, but when it comes to your sunshine theory, maybe you should start a forum, or find one that focuses on that?

Just an idea.

In my opinion there's a lot more Sunshine going on around here than Ms. Ari gives us credit for. This isn't all about "Woe is me". There really is a neat type of community here. Just like all communities there is a mix of people. What we do here is learn to be accepting of all kinds and find common ground. We try not to constantly remind each other how different we are.....but instead find ways to show each other how much we're alike.

Why don't I see you jumping in on some of the fun or positive things? You might find you have more in common with some of these people; myself included; than you might think.

Quote from the last post ari33:

{Micheleb, You are absolutely correct - I do not necessarily understand what many of you go through but I can promise you that I've never pretended to understand either.  That's the issue that no one seems to understand.  You don't know me and if you did you would not think of me as insensitive - blunt perhaps would be more fitting. }

Ari33: By your own admission you don't understand what many on this board go through. You stand corrected in stating, "that's the issue no one seems to understand," because it's the one issue we all understand.

Since you don't understand it takes a callous, not a sensitive person, to make the statements you have to others on this board. When I don't understand or haven't anything to offer I tend to refrain from adding to a discussion.

When we post we realize not everyone on this board has an answer for us, but when we get a help we are soooo appreciative.  For anyone not being able to help then perhaps this line from Bambi should be kept in mind, "If you can't say something nice - don't say anything at all."

When I joined AI las Sept or August I think it was I can't remember lol....too many flare days ago....I was in clinical remission.  On Humira and MTX....but in clinical remission leading a just about normal life aside from my bad knee.  And I kept that under control with knowing when to rest and pain meds.  And my plan was to replace my knee after the 1st of year so I could have a normal life.

I joined AI because I still needed support in dealing with this illness.  Advice on meds...advice on living with it...and most of all I joined to support other people who really needed support from someone who truly understands what dealing with this is like.  I wasn't always in remission.  I wanted to help other people.  I also hoped by joining that I would make friends with people that understood what dealing with this was like.  I have met many many great caring people here and for that I am thankful.  The one thing I never did was tell them HOW to feel.  I don't tell anyone how to feel.  I want people to feel what they do...never judge them for it...just support them and help them.  It doesn't matter to me if someone is cranky or not cranky.  Heck WITHOUT RA we have cranky days.  Don't hold that against anyone.  We can't all be happy happy joy joy every single day of life.  It just doesn't happen that way.  And if you are, then I feel you are denying feelings and stuffing them down. 

OMG!!!!!!!! ARI yes, I too have been "just a little busy with my life too"!!!! And thought id just "pop In" I came to this board a year ago although I dont post much I still read the threads and this one your others are ABSOLUTELY sh*t STIRRERS!!!!! You know it and everyone else does too. Hey im cussing so what!!! It's time that you move on to some other board where you can find SOMEONE WHO CAN RELATE TO A SWOLLEN FIST AND JUST BY TAKING IBUPROFEN AND YOUR GOOD TO GO!!!! If that is truly RA, sister, or brother whatever im hear to tell you IT WONT LAST!!!!!!

I'd just like to know how the hell is your quality of life still the same as before your diagnosis????? No way dont believe it.. Do you mean before you were fully diagnosed you didnt have any pain or fatigue????????????????? hmm.... that's interesting.  So, you could close your fist before you were diagnosed..right?? And now you cant close your fist..right??

THAT'S A CHANGE IN  YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iT'S NOT THE SAME AS IT WAS BEFORE YOU WERE DIAGNOSED!!! So quit trying to make it out to us like you are still running, jumping,dancing,riding bikes, and have this great attitude all the time and when  you have pain you can just pop an aspirin and go shopping all day at the mall and work 80 hours in a week. Either you need to accept that you have RA or  your a fake!!! Yes all, I said it. This ARI33 person is just here to pit us against each other but it looks like she is not achieving too much because not all is in agreement with her.  Just reread her posts. She is very arrogant and insensitive to the people who appreciate the help they get from the truly honest members of this forum. JMHO


momofthree39175.733599537OMG you are awesome! 

Update on my little hand - never had swelling - just couldn't move it freely and painlessly for about 30 hours.  Maybe my POSITIVE Blood work is just a FALSE POSITIVE - Now if my concerned doctor could just be convinced ??

Happy Easter !!



Once again you and your associates have shown what mean nasty people you are. Give yourselves a hand and slap each other on the back. Hey Arriscolwell and the rest of you sushi group, here's a question for you. What do you do if you start your own forum and noboby shows up? Oh, i know you come back here to the AI forum and try to run this site while you steal advertising (ooooooo, check it out). You have once again associated me with modr8r. Once again i say to you nasty, filthy people, i would much rather be associated with modr8r than to any one of you filthy people. I have never read a lie posted by modr8r. If you have then post it. Sure you don't like modr8r because he speaks the trueth about you and the trueth hurts you. Makes you angry because you can't speak against the trueth except with lies and then when you get caught in that lie you make up another lie to cover that lie and then when you all are totally caught, you delete your posts. You are a thief and a liar and modr8r has proven it. You and your friends are nasty, mean and filthy and you and your friends have proven that by your own words. You are a small group that trys to control this forum. Everyone that posts filth here is from your forum. Two of them are your moderators. Where do you get off with all your filth any way? Just because filth is allowed at your site you think that it is okay at this site because you believe that you and your nasty friends run this site. Don't you find it strange that only your "group" slaps you on the back and claps for you? "OMG, you are awesome!" You would think that someone so smart and "awesome" as you would be more than a six dollar an hour clerk at an embassy suite. Just from what i have read of you Arriscolwell, i would be concerned about giving my credit information at the embassy or leaving anything of value in my suite. And watchingwolf, you are a lowlife with a pocket full of empty apologies. At least two times now you have apologized to ari for the nasty things you said to her. Did you read what you wrote? "If you can't say something nice don't say anything"? You wrote that for ari, not for yourself and the rest of your nasty friends that usually post all the un-nice things. Maybe this line from Forest Gump should be kept in mind, "stupid is as stupid does". And Arriscolwell, what good advise you gave ari, "maybe you should start a forum." Let's see now, you and grammaskittles and crunchy started your own forum because you didn't like this unmoderated forum. Lo and behold a group of AI members followed you to your own forum. Well, not much fun just having such a small audience so you and your small group of followers come back to this excellant arthritis information site and try to turn it into the sushi/opra site like yours that is a bust. Why does the dirty dozen have to stay here and tell those that you don't like to leave or go to another forum? Why don't you people go to your forum. Tell every one here at this excellant arthritis information site (arthritisinsight) that you are leaving, invite all that want to leave with all of you nasty people to go with you and then stay home and let this forum get back to the business of arthritis. You filthy people have your own site. Go there. You can talk all kinds of nasty things. What you and your husbands and kids call "thier lizards". You can use all the four letter words you like because at your site it is just fine, right? Take your filthy mouths there. What is wrong with your site?See how many people follow you. Those that want to follow you and your filthy nasty friends, good. Good for them, good for you and good for this forum. Any time a member has been attacked it has been by you and your filthy friends. You people have your own site. Try staying there for a week and let's see how many AI members beg you all to come back. Try it for a week. See how many people follow you. Try it you sushi people. Invite everyone and then leave. Maybe everyone will go home with you. Not likely is it. You bunch of filthy nasty people. Go ahead, see how many people go with you and see how many AI members miss you. You know what the problem is? You have nobody at your site to moderate so you come here and show the good AI members what the sushi forum is like. Go on you sushi people, invite all AI members to your site. You never know, maybe the only ones that will be left here at AI will be me, modr8r and ari.

Its good for the soul to get things off of your chest and relieves stress which is good for RA.



Dear lord,

Please help Levlarry/MODR8R/N4SR to find his path through life - to find the light and the love that he so desperately desires. Please help him find forgiveness in his heart, and I pray that he receives the forgiveness that he needs. Help him to find the true meaning of caring. Help him find peace in his heart, and joy in his life. Amen.


Levlarry/MODR8R/N4SR -

I don't know what past life I wronged you in....what village of yours I plundered...but I truly hope you get through this phase. It's quite depressing to see someone so consumed by hatred. There comes a time to be the bigger man, and the flags been waved - this is the final lap. I'll be the bigger man for you. I offer my apology for any hard feelings that have come your way. It is not my intent to get you so overly agitated.


To clear a couple of things up - I am not a "six dollar an hour clerk" Rather, I run the entire front desk. You may think that to be an easy job, and that is very much your opinion. I like my job very much, and that's probably more a lot of people can say about their high pressure, high paying, no life careers. At least when I go home at night, I have a smile on my face. You complain about filth, and slander, and yet here you sit a hypocrite. Slandering us. Funny how that ends up working.


And all of that, by the way, is the TRUETH.



It would be easy for the only people here to be you, ari and modr8r.......because you are the SAME person


""I don't know what past life I wronged you in....what village of yours I plundered..""

Oh I believe full heartedly in that statement, I always have. I just want to say..........can we just please put this behind us and find an even ground to communicate from? Yeah, people say hurtful things, we have all been wronged in our lives by a person, or maybe more than one. And I am sure more than a handful of us have said or done a hurtful thing to another person, People are like that for whatever reason, in whatever circumstance. Sh** happens.

We can either decide to dwell on it or let it go and believe me I can be a dweller myself because sometimes the hurtful words or behavior are so painful. But is it worth all the pain it causes? Is it worth not ever speaking kindly to eachother? I just happen to think it isn't.

EXAMPLE: My son will not speak to me for a few reasons I would rather not go into right now but I will tell you it hurts me terribly, daily.  I raised him nearly by myself...I took care of him and he was my buddy, but now all that is gone. Vanished because of words and actions.

IS it worth it to me? No. It may be to him, but hopefully not till my grave.

HAte will breed hate, love and kindness will breed love and kindness. Hurt feelings have a tendency to linger, I know that for a fact. But.....if death would come tomorrow, is it all worth it? Would it be an acceptable part of your life you could live with forever?








You forgot part of your prayer. You know the part where you and the rest of your nasties ask to be shown the way home? You know, your site. The site you and grammaskittle and crunchy started because you couldn't stand the way this forum was being run? Strange how much time you spend back here at the AI forum advertising. "Oooooooo, check it out" I see you and grammaskittles have advertised about 15 times here on the AI board already today. You really have this advertisement theft down good. All thru the day the two of you constantly come back to the board to keep your advertisement crime going. You don't say much, just posting so that your advertisements stays on the board. "Ooooooooooooo, check it out".

I don't have hatred, Arriscolwell but you and your gang are not going to bash me. I go for a cruise and come back to find that you have used my name on this thread to entertain your nasty fellow sushi members. I cautioned you before about using my name but i also said that i knew you weren't very smart.

Let me ask you a question Arriscolwell, how many posts have you and grammaskittles posted at your site today? None? "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, check it out". You two post your advertisement all day every day here at the AI forum, why don't you two go there and take the rest of your gang, it's sooooooooooo good. "Ooooooooo, check it out". Oooooooooo, check it out". "Ooooooooooo, check it out". "oooooooo, check it out". "oooooooh, check it out". Ooooooo, check it out". "another RA board for info and fun". Right gramma? How many posts have you posted today at your site? Zero? "ooooooooh, check it out". "another RA board for info and fun". Ooooooooooooh, check it out". Of course you are only a thief if you get handcuffed, right? Hmmm. Stealing is kinda in the eyes of the beholder. *they put on thier sushi glasses* Why don't you just pay for your advertising? Cheaper to steal? Ooooooo, check it out".

Arriscolwell, your job must be extremely difficult since you are online here at the AI forum during working hours keeping your advertisement alive. "Oooooo, check it out".

Phatgirl, what's that saying you have?  You know the one you say to other AI members you sushis don't like? Let's see it goes something like, "Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya."? Isn't that your quote?

Oh, one more thing, "ooooooooooooo, check it out".



Can't you find something else to quote.  Bringing up this old crap is getting old.  Find a hobby!



Lev you are a jackass!

The site owners do not answer their emails nor moderate this site. Many of us have sent Ernest emails & PMs to get rid of some of you people who like to cause the resl trouble on this board. If you have such a problem and think they are in violation of the board rules, contact Ernest and see if he will tell, Katie and skittles they are. I know for a fact you are allowed to "advertise" any website you feel on this board, because they have a place for that in your profile. It is called "Homepage" their is even a button that is created for others to click on every time you post. If they did not want members to link back to their "home sites" or a website at all they would have done away with that feature, don't you think?

Just go back to your cruisin around and run some people off the road,  who are in violation of the rules of the road, maybe that will make you feel better. Stop creating unneeded and wanted drama. Just give it up already. Will ya?!




Once agian, I offer my applogy for whatever past life I have wronged you in.


And once I again I pray that the Lord helps you find your way, your happiness, your light.

This is almost rediculous! I don't see that the signature line of a few folks is hurting anyone. They haven't been posting public invites like they were before.....fact is; you just don't like them.....and they obviously don't like you either.

This is one things you guys can agree on. Isn't it?

We had tons of members that have links to their sites on their signature lines. Often I've found this fun to see what other's are about. Doesn't mean I'll join their forums; or buy their products, but if the mood strikes me I can. Who's it hurting?

NO....that's not really a problem. I just think you want to argue. It's been a really long time since I've seen you post anything other than this kind of stuff. Get over it! Everyone else has.

Well Lovie,

It's too bad that i can't give much consideration to your post on this thread. It would be nice if i could but anytime the "group" has attacked another AI member, you have either been in on the attack or defending the attack. You are thier friend and so they do no wrong. Even if this post is put under your nose, you will still say that it is okay for your friends to advertise here on the AI forum even tho they have been shown many times that AI is a pay for advertisement forum. Take a look at this, it was posted (while they spammed and advertised) on the AI forum, imagine that:

Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Senior Member
Posted: 08 December 2006 at 3:28pm | IP Logged

Here is the link to the new RAsushi board....this is a moderated site so spammers and advertisers need not waste their time.

This is a RA site for people with RA, who think they might have RA, know someone with RA, or want to learn more about people who are already living with it.


dont forget to bookmark this site!

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Senior Member
Posted: 08 December 2006 at 3:55pm | IP Logged

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Posted: 08 December 2006 at 4:22pm | IP Logged

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Posted: 08 December 2006 at 4:59pm | IP Logged

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Posted: 08 December 2006 at 5:54pm | IP Logged

If you join I will post some good holiday treat recipes!!
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Posted: 08 December 2006 at 6:28pm | IP Logged

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Posted: 08 December 2006 at 6:34pm | IP Logged

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Posted: 08 December 2006 at 6:36pm | IP Logged

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Posted: 08 December 2006 at 6:40pm | IP Logged

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Senior Member
Posted: 08 December 2006 at 6:58pm | IP Logged


The board is wonderful.  Thank you all for putting your hard work and time into helping us have a safe, cool place to interact.  You guys and gals are awesome!!


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You can read the above complete post just click on this link: mp;PN=81

Now Lovie, do you see something wrong now? Of course not. They say no advertising at thier sight as they spam and advertise here. Since you seem to want to defend them, go ahead. You remember the first posting by ari right? All she suggested is that people with RA should try to keep a positive attitude. Good advise right? Just one problem, she didn't go thru the right channels. How dare anybody come to this forum and start giving advise without getting the "groups" blessing. First a new member must be accepted into the "group" and then that new member can post as long as it is agreeable to the rest of the group. Only members that blasted her were the "group" members. No other members were offended, right? Now Lovie and everyone, go back to the beginning of this topic and read each and every post. Did ari say something mean or nasty? Did the "group"? How 'bout it Lovie since you want to play defense attorney. Let's call the first witness, Phatgirl2: Was she mean and nasty?

Senior Member
Posted: 25 March 2007 at 9:34am | IP Logged


I respectfully ask that you stop stirring this pot.  You joined in Feb of 07.  You don't know the history of this board.  It is quite obvious by reading the posts that this is a battle that started long before you or I came.  So, to