and................... | Arthritis Information


I went to bed and Brett went to rub my back and it had a huge knot in it.  Brett tried rubbing it and it sent nerve pain down my back, my arm and up to my neck.  I guess this is neuropathy.  I have to call Deanna.  The whole thing is scary because I feel like sh*t and took my Humira yesterday.    Last time it took three days to work

good luck.


OW OW OW Kel  OK  I will try it

Do you have any muscle relaxants? That is a really tough pain to get rid of. I take Methadone with Morphine for my breakthrough pain. Those didn't help the muscle spasms much. My doc recently gave me Robaxin for daytime and Flexeril for bedtime. They have helped some.

My biggest problem  is that I hate to just lie down and let the meds work. But that is what you must do sometimes.

Hope you continue to feel better.




Somebody was running around painting bath rooms after a whole year of hardly being able to move. Too much too soon. You have to re-condition your body. Please slow down.