THis week I get the news | Arthritis Information


I go for my 2nd mamo/scan this week...need some helpful prayers that it is RA and not the big C....hoping for more of the synovial cysts my body likes to generate. If it is cancer, I am shaivng my head before all my hair falls out and I am not having "Lola Lefty" removed!


Jode, of course I will pray that your mammo is normal just like mine was.  This is a scary time for women, as if we do not have enough on our plate. I take it upon myself not to worry until I have something concrete to worry about.  Try it, it works for me.  


My thoughts are with & then is right, try not to worry unless you have something concrete to worry about.  I know it's hard, I am one of the biggest worriers around.


Dear Jode, you know we will all be thinking of you. Brave people seem to rise to the top. Try to think positive! Write soon....Jode, My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jode I will be praying for you.  I understand as I am awaiting the answer to a skin biopsy.  We really don't need this extra junk.

Jode, I am praying for you. Be strong and have faith. GinniYou have my prayers! I hope and pray it is just a cyst and most likely, it is. A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. I know every case is different, but she had a lumpectomy and radiation. She never lost any hair and she is fine now and feeling great!


Thankyou all so much. I am going with the flow on this one......I am at that age when not much is all that shocking anymore! lol. I am not so much worried as I am concerned if that makes any sense at all.

Hey, life is full of surprises and we are constantly evolving an dchanging and if this is added to the mix, then it is added to the mix. Thankyou all again for all of your support, it truly makes a difference in my life.


You are in my prayers. 

Happy thoughts, Jode, happy thoughts.


Prayers for you Jode.  You are giving out a great positive message yourself.  Hang on to that and try not to be too concerned.

Hoping for good news for you this week, Jode.

Me too Jode.

Calsifications showed up on my mammo. Had to have a surgical biopsy - was terrified during the weeks of waitng for my surgical date and then 4 days more to get the results back ....BENIGN!

Most lumps are benign - hope yours is too.

I will pray for you Jode.  Good luck!!My thoughts are with you, Jode. Here's hoping for good news!Praying for you Jode.  Think positive and remember it usually comes out fine.  Roxanne

If it turns out to be malignant, that is the way it goes...I am still gonna live my life. I made it through RA. It is just kind of scary and it is really hard to do without a spouse by your side, then again, maybe it is easier.....?

