blaming everything on RA? | Arthritis Information


I had a "duh" moment today. Two weeks ago while waiting to start Enbrel, I had about 4 days where I was absolutely miserable. Thinking it was the beginning of an RA flare, I just chalked it up to SSDD and went on. Now my hubby has the same symptoms, DR. says it a particuliarly mean strain of the flu that is going around. After listening to his symptoms, it is exacty what I had."DUH"

So now I am wondering how many times I have blamed something on RA that wasn't and if anyone else has found themselves doing the same.


Laura T

Oh, yes, certainly. RA has so many aches and pains and ways to manifest itself that it's quite easy to blame it for everything.

Hope you get past this flu quickly. Yuck, I hate the flu.

I have blamed my RA for things and it wasn't my RA.  Most recently my toes not moving.  We thought it was inflammation caused by the RA but found it I pinched a nerve in the back of knee and did some nerve damage. 


I am thankfully past it. The hubby has it now!

It just kind of amazes me how we can literally "get used" to feeling awful, cause it happens all the time, and never consider that it could be something else.


This happens to me more often then I care to admit - I have some bad days one week and the next week my DH is sick as a dog. It always surprises me that I blamed the RA for feeling rotten when I was actually sick with somethig else.I think I may have mentioned this before but it is so appropriate for us.   My dr. says when she was at med school whenever a list of symptoms came up in an exam question & you answered rheumatoid arthritis you were nearly always correct with your answer!