What do you do when you run out | Arthritis Information


What do you do when you run out of options?

I have multiple chemical sensitivity which explained half my problems with medications, so prednisone, arava, methotrexate, ultram etc. have all failed on me.  Due to their toxicity, they made me swell up, get asthma and bronchitis etc.

They wanted to start me on biologics but they all have a high rate of respitory infections, breathing problems with bronchitis etc., especially for those who are already ill.

When you run out of drugs, what else is there?

Right now i take celebrex and nothing else.  Getting rid of the other drugs did allow me to walk around with my cane and go out a couple times a week to visit people which is a good thing.

But I need more medications and my body rejects them.  I have been tested for all sorts of odd things from musicle disorders to cancers etc. to make sure that nothing else is in my body.

What do you do when there are no more medications?

I found this on another thread this morning


AP is the Antibiotic Protocol and was developed by the late Dr. Thomas MacPherson Brown.  A book about all his research is available at Border's or on Amazon. The book is called "The New Arthritis Breakthrough" by Henry Scammell.  It is a 'must read' because it breaks up the research and science with personal stories - and it's an easy read and it makes sense! 

Other places you can get information is at www.roadback.org or www.rheumaticsupport.net, or if I'm forgetting any of the other biggies - somebody please jump in.

We in AP believe our bodies are fighting a cellular infection and by low doses of antibiotics we can halt the progression of the disease.  There is even newer research what built on the research of Dr. Brown that suggests there is a possibility of 'full cure' with the use of multiple antibiotics for a couple of years.  But first you have to get through AP.  :-)

I love AP - it's really changed my life.  My disease was described as 'early onset severe' which I suppose was medico-speak for 'she's on a walker in 4 months'.  I started AP 8/25 of last year and have not looked back!  I could open my milk jug in a few weeks - which was a cause for celebration in my house!  Today I sit at my typewriter looking out the window at my loaded Penske Truck and know that I leave for my new life as soon as I can get this house cleaned up enough to sell.  LOL  I've been able to lift, carry, tote, pack, argue (oops, probably shouldn't have thrown that one in - LOL) go up and down stairs, wrastle the child into clothes etc. etc. etc. - all things I thought long gone in MONTHS.  Not only did I get my life back - I got enough of the 'there by the Grace of God go I" that I decided to go for my hopes and dreams.  Life is short - make the most of it! 

AP is not an overnight thing - it can take 6 months of any signs that it's working - but a child that is responding to ABX - that's one heck of a positive sign.  Mostly it's two steps forward one step back - but the end result is a 'normal' painfree life. 

Got to start cleaning - and I'll be AFK for a while so anybody with any questions please leave either an email or a PM.



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