Trying for a baby | Arthritis Information


Im on MTX. and have been told that i should come off it for at least 6 months before me and my wife try for a child.

Im worried that whilst im off, that the RA will come back more aggressively. what things can i take as an alternative whilst i detox from MTX.

Im going to try the natural route, so any suggestions will be appreciated.

Hey Mushy,


Welcome to the board I'm new here myself & I just had the same issue as you. I was on arava for 7 months & wifey & I want a child so I went off & now I am on Enbrel. Just got my 1st shot yesterday, hopefully & god willing it will work. Let me know  what happenes with you guys. I'll say a prayer for you & your wife. Most imporatant is to keep a positive attitude.



Drew from the bronx

I have been through the whole fertility "thing'" have had 5 miscarriages and no children.  I have recently been told that the biologicals, like humira and enbrel should be safe, they are listed as a class b.  I was even told that prednisone would be given to me although it is a class c drug.  Good luck to you and your wife!