about makemelaff | Arthritis Information


Good Morning Everyone

I am Makemelaff's mom. She has not posted for awhile. I don't even think she has been on since we returned from the summit. She has been in a very bad flare. The Dr. just doubled her remicade, moved her up to every 4 weeks added 20mg of methotrexate(injection) and gave her a prednisone drip. That was all on Friday. Today,she still cant get out of bed, cant use her crutches to pull herself up and actually fell trying! I have called the dr sooo many times in the past 3 weeks, I am afraid they are going to block my calls. She was just told she cant play softball this year at all. This weekend she just broke down and started crying when she saw her brothers outside throwing the ball...My heart just hurts for her! She has already missed 40 days of school this year and the doctor just put her on 1/2 days when she does return.

Anyway.... I know she has recieved so much support from all of you, and I am sooo appreciative. I was hoping you all could offer some encouragement ( for her). Maybe knowing her "other family" has something to say will give her the boost she needs! Thank you soo much!


I am praying you get feeling better real soon!! Keep on that Dr. Hopefully your meds will kick in soon!!

Take care!



It sounds as though you just got a good blast of meds and you should be feeling better soon.  I pray that once you feel better that you can stay that way.  Hang in there!  It will get better!


Hope you feel better very very soon! Fingers crossed (Kind of!!) the meds kick in soon.

Take care.


Goodness you are really having such a bad time but remember we are all here to support you . I know how you are feeling and its so hard to look forward and think this will get better but it will . Your mum sounds like a really lovely person and its important to have someone around you like this. My daughter has osgood schlatters disease ( its a problem with chronic pain in her knees) she too had a bad time of it last year and couldnt get out and had to rest her legs. she is only 13 and really missed her friends and school , I invited all her friends round to visit , made snacks and drinks which cheered her up a lot.

I hope the meds kick in soon and that you will be back at school .

Big gentle hugs


Sounds like you're having a rough time.  Feel better soon!OH MEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makemelaff, So sorry that you are going thru this, but I will certainly remember you in my prayers.  It's nice to see that you have a Mom who is taking good care of you.  There is no love like a Mom's love. Please keep us up to date.

Hey girl!  What's this feeling puny stuff you got goin' on here?  You need to get back here and fill us in on the summit and stuff.  Were there any hot guys there you were eyeing, LOL. 

You need to rent a gazillion funny movies and TV shows, enjoy a few of your absolute most favorite foods and think nothing but good thoughts!  Spring is coming and warm weather and sunshine will make you feel better!  Just hang on - this flare will end and you will feel tons better.


YOU ARE THE BEST!!! I have been hurting so much, and reading this cheered me right up!!!!!! I am sorry I have'nt posted anything about the summit!!! I did meet alot of great new friends while I was there! Let's see, I learned alot of statistics, and got to meet with one of the representatives. I will write more later, I am really tired! Thank you all so much for cheering me up! I can't thank you enough!!! 

Remember, you are quite the amazing chic!  Getting up in front of all those people and talking about this disease and making us ALL proud!  You'll get past this rough spot soon.  You are in my prayers.


Makemelaff, I am praying that you feel better soon. 

Don't give up Sweetie. Things can change almost over night with this thing. It can settle down just as quickly as it exploded. Don't forget that.

Praying for your comfort,


I am cheering you on along with the rest of the board.  We want you feeling better very, very soon.  You will be in my prayers as well. 

Take care and I look forward to hearing more about the summit!


I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly! Just know we are all thinking of you and wishing you well.

Hope the summit was worth the effort it took. I know you were quite excited to go. When you feel better, we would love to hear about it.

What a wonderful Mom you have! She sounds like  a very caring lady.

Feel better, Sweetie. We miss you.

Gentle hugs,


I'm sad to know that you are having a rough time of it.  But really pleased to know that you obviously have a great Mum!!   What a neat thing for her to do for you. 

 I hope you're feeling better soon and able to get yourself  back on a happier track.

Take care


It sure is like a roller coaster ride sometimes. It can get pretty wild. Hopefully it will be calm again soon. Hang in there!Makmelaff, I am sorry things have not been going well, please remember we are here for you and will keep you in our thoughts. I hope this gives you a smile for the day xoxoxoxoxo  meme Oh Meg!!!  Sweetie!!!  Get better soon!!!  Please rest and do what the doc says!!! 

Thank you to Meg's mom for updating us.  And you hang in there too!!!  I am thinking and praying for your whole family!!

Makemelaff, I am so sorry and will be praying that things get much better for you.

I'm so glad your Mom let us know what's going on. Just read and enjoy until you get stronger and then we'll all be waiting to hear about your adventures at the summit! You know the drill - it comes but it also always goes... Take care of yourself and let time take care of the RA.


Sorry to hear you are flaring, Makemelaff. You should be super-woman soon with that pred drip. I hope you recover quickly and the boost in meds help ya to recover.


Hi - I have been wondering about the summit and how you got on and looking forward to hearing all the details.
It would have been stressful for you to go through it all
and has probably brought on the flare. Take care and rest, flares usually do disappear so hope yours will be gone soon.
Take care.

So sorry you're in a bad flare.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.  You'll soon be feeling better.  Grab a funny movie or book, keep in touch with your friends and I'm sure the flare will be gone soon.  Take Care.

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