DEANNA - did you get tested for diabetes? | Arthritis Information


Deanna, I'm wondering if you got tested yet for diabetes?  The only test for truely discovering diabetes is a "fasting glucose tolerence test".   I hope that's the test given to you.  I really think alot of your symptoms point to diabetes.  Diabetes can make your life miserable.  I hope you get this looked into, very seriously. 

Just concerned for you.


I agree with you about my symptoms. My pain specialist absolutely wants me tested but my primary totally refuses. He claims an ordinary blood test back in November is sufficient to say that I don't have diabetes. And I know that I do have to have the fasting glucose tolerance test.

So, my only choice is to change my primary doctor. In the meantime, I'm learning the basics of going on a diabetic diet.

Thanks for your concern and for not giving up on the idea. I don't understand why this doctor would even take a chance on something as serious as diabetes. I am dedicated to getting it tested.

Why can't your pain doc order the fasting glucose? Or couldn't one of your other doctors? Can't the pain guy call the PC to explain why the test should be ordered?

Good Morning Deanna, I hope you are feeling decent today.

I have alot of experience with dealing with diabetes. I don't have it now but had it when I was pregnant with my 14 year old son. I have to have it cked alot because it runs in the family and my chances are higher of having it now since I had gestational diabetes. My mom and dad have it and I used to cook for dad. He really had a sweet tooth.

Read labels on your food items. If it ends in "ose" such as frutose.....etc., it means it has sugar in it. I also have some really good apple, strawberry, and pumkin pie recipes that are sugar free.

I would be glad to share any info. Do you know anyone that has a home glucose monitor? Maybe you could borrow it and ck your morning & evening blood.???

Good luck to you.....take care



I changed primaries today and this will be one of the first things I address. I went to one of my other docs today (not one that can order the test) and they looked at this place on my skin and said I need to get checked or diabetes right away.

I have an appointment with the new doc on Monday.

CinDee, I certainly could use help with this.

I hope I don't have Diabetes too. It's just too much.

Deanna, I would highly recommend that you ask your new GP for a referral to an endocrinologist.  If you would have it, it is nothing to mess with and I'm quite concerned about all the neuropathy you are experiencing.  It can come from RA too though.  I do, however, believe that endocrinologists take even slight variances in your blood sugar levels much more seriously than GP's do. 

I'm glad you switched primary doctors.  Diabetes it can be controlled with diet and medication and the sooner it's discovered and treated the better.


I feel for you Deanna, thinking you might have yet another "illness" and not knowing, and worse still having to deal with it if it is. The thoughts are not nice, but as you know, we deal with everything that comes our way, somehow.
I once read a story about a woman and a man who had a brand new baby. They loved it dearly. The child gave them so much joy. While the child was sleeping, it died. The parents grieved so deeply. The woman one night looked up to the sky and said why God, did you take this child from us, none of us deserved this pain? She was told that herself and her husband were chosen to bear this pain simply because they could.
Hope this helps.

Ok Let me try to post again. The computer is tripping today.

Don't worry Deanna. Trixie is right diabetes can be controlled with diet and meds.

I would be glad to help you in anyway I can. First things first....get that test. Then go from there. There are lots of different sugar free food items on the market. Some stores have a whole aisle full of choices.My kids and I love the candy. Even the chocolate tastes good. Your doc should give you lots of info. Dad's doc gave him sample menus to follow. Our family use Splenda instead of sugar. It is good and no nasty after taste as with some of those subsitutes. Let me know what I can do to help. Some times the doc won't even put you on meds til you try the diet to see if it works by itself. When I was pregnant......I was able to keep it under control with diet alone.

Take care...

