PMR research | Arthritis Information


Hi, All!

Just found this site last night, where they are talking about someone wanting to do PMR research. It's a privately funded effort, so they are looking for donations. If you would like to check it out, the website is:

I haven't seen any other places where research is being done on PMR. I hope they get this going and have some good (and quick) results for all PMR sufferers!!

We should all send that website to our doctors, they need to be educated about this disease.

I went to 5 drs before i was diagnosed.
one of them actually told me there was nothing she could do for me.
she was an arthritis dr., I cried in the office when she told me that, i often felt like writing her a letter and telling her what i have, but she probably doesn't give a darn.



I'm so sorry you've had such a time of it., though I think many of us can relate. I had been on so many different meds before being diagnosed - just to mask the pain, although I think my PCP really was trying to help. It was nurse practitioner who was filling in one day who took the time to look up my sypmtoms after I'd left the office, and called me back the next days with the suggested diagnosis. Bless her heart. That rheumatologist you saw should be fired, or made to go back to school. You're right; she probably doesn't give a darn. I hope you find some answers for your back pain. Mine is degenerating discs and arthritis - guess it's in the genes as my mother and her brother both have (had) back problems and back surgery. If you are having numbness, there is probably a pinched nerve or something. You should get that checked out. The longer it is numb, the less chance of the nerve regenerating and you getting the feeling back. Keep us posted.

Thanks Reni

I will have that checked out, and i did not know the longer it is numb the less chance of the nerve regenerating.

I have a tendency to procrastinate, but  i will call and get an appointment.

Thanks again,   Georgiana
Reni, I was turned over to a nurse practitioner after my first vist to the rheumy.  I like her so much.  She is so very thorough and seems to really care.  I've never been to one before.  I guess someday they will get like the doctors, but it's nice right now. She will even call me back, herself!  Amazing.I diagnosed myself via the internet. I googled it. I put in my symptoms and voila! I printed and took it to my doctor ..... 