Predisone | Arthritis Information


Can any body tell me why a 100mg of predsione does not take away all the pain you are in. I was so bad today my rhemy gave me a 100mg of predisone shot to take some swelling down in my hands and feet. I have been taking 30 mg a day for ever.

bone density will reveal any bone erosions ect. The pred will sometimes give you osteopenia...a form of osteoporosis.I have that from the pred shots but I do not fret it cause I really needed the pred at the time.



I know that pain! I know that stiffness and swelling. I'm taking 6x 2.5 methotrexate, remicade 3rd on the 19th and the next one in May, and 15 prednisone. The intent is for me to get off the prednisone eventually.....I hope. I don't have any experience with 100 preds, but the amount I take does work against the pain. Good luck with this and I hope your doc can help you. SarahI take arava. I have always taken it with one of the biologics - humira or remicade. I tolerate it really well, while mtx makes me ill. I hope it helps you.I had a bone density test when I started Pred. so they'd have a base line, they scan your elbow and then strap your ankle at a weird angle and scan your hip. Mine was okay, but then I had to be on Boniva as a preventative for the bone loss the Pred. might cause. Off both now.

I've had two bone density test and each time my numbers got worse; but it's still only considered osteopenia. The test is a snap....don't worry about that.

The high doses of Predisone is not good though. I'm glad your doctor is going to scan you and is mindful of the dangers of steriod use.

I have only been on short courses over the years; but they have been numerous. I have however had NUMEROUS shorts of cortisone in the past 13 years and that certainly contibutes to the problems.

I have to agree with Kel; you need to get on a better treatment plan ASAP. If you aren't getting any relief from predisone I'd push your doctor for a change ASAP. You can't continue on that high dose of Predisone much longer. Do a little research on your own and try to inform yourself of the dangers and discuss it with your doctor.

Good Luck!

If you take MXT for the first time and start to get a raspy sore throat and/or achy joints tell your doc asap. If not you may get mxt LUNGnabeel- what is mtx LUNG! I started mtx. 2 weeks ago, and my joints are achy, but itsnt that from the disease process?  And i do have a scratchy throat. thought it was allergies. now i am parinoid!!!!!! anyinfo will help me here.