Am I really going out of my mind? HELP! | Arthritis Information


Hi again

I've posted just once before, a couple of weeks ago (or maybe it was ust
last week, I have no clue). I am not RA diagnosed, but have been
experiencing some symptoms that are making me wonder.

I already have one autoimmune disorder - vitiligo. For those unfamiliar,
it's a disorder where you lose the pigment in your skin slowly. I'm
currently about 65% depigmented and can not be in the sun for more
than 5 minutes, year-round. Although it is not a llife-threatening
condition, sunburns hurt like hell and it really does change your life.

I started to notice, about a month ago, that upon waking in the morning, I
have a hard time making a fist - more trouble with my left hand than with
the right...but they are both stiff. The first joints closest to your hand are
what are stiff. It has not gotten any worse or better and within 15
minutes, I am able to use my hands normally.

The new symptom is this incredible exhaustion. Now mind you, I have
two small children (4 and 2 years) and we have no family close by to help,
but I've never actually slept a whole 9 hours for 3 nights in a row and still
end up chugging whatever I can find as a caffeine source just to keep up
with the girls and the house!! It seems so ridiculous...but then I read a
number of posts that had to do with fatigue.

I guess my problem is I don't want to "waste" time getting this all checked
out just to find that I'm just tired b/c I have little ones. It just seems the
fatigue is so much more than waht I usually deal with.

I'm a stay-at-home mom with no family nearby to help and am in tears
every night just trying to figure out what is wrong. I also had a malignant
tumor removed from my abdomen about a year and a half ago (a rare
tumor called a DFSP - DermatoFibro Sarcoma Protuberans) and constantly
wonder whether any of this is a sign of that cancer having spread before
they got to it (I'd had it for 16 years before it was diagnosed, but it is
slow growing).

Any help/encouragement would be so greatly appreciated   


It will only take you about an hour to get a blood test. Go to the doctor and have your RF and CED levels checked. They can pretty much tell if you have RA according to blood tests.

I beg you to go to the doctor as treating RA early (if you have it) significantly reduces your chances of long term damage.

Don't be scared, your health is the most important thing!

Yes, please call your doc.  Morning stiffness and exhaustion are part of the RA symptoms.  However, with the other health problems that you have had I just really urge you to call the doc.  Just to find out what is going on.  It is never a waste of time when it comes to your health!

I know it is hard to keep up with kids as young as yours and doubly hard if you are tired.  I also have girls (but they are 12 and 15 now) and believe me they want you around for a long time and you are going to want to be around for a long time for all the neat things girls do.  So please go to the doc!!!
