Body infection or RA???? | Arthritis Information


My PC called in more prednisone for swelling and joint pain, told me to try and see if I could get in earlier than May 10 w/ RD. Said he has been doing some research on RA and is not sure if I have it or not with the RF negative. Said I may have an infection in my body.

Have been to him 3 times since Feb. He has only listened to me describe my symptoms, take blood, send me for a nerve conduction test, set me up an appt for Thurs w/ Ortho and RD May 10. He has not once bothered to even examine me. I'm losing faith....

Any suggestions???

Symptoms are: swelling in fingers and knee, joint pain in elbows, wrists, fingers, knees, feet & even shoulders. Can barely stay awake after 2pm and need a nap. Have had these flu like symptoms since janurary.

That could be a mix of RA and Fibro.  I hope you can get in before May 10th to the RD.  You need answers and most importantly treatment and pain relief. 

Your bloodwork is only one factor in the diagnosis of RA.  Many people are sero-negative (meaning low rhuematoid factor) and remain that way even tho they have a severe case of RA.  RD's usually (I say usually because there are some real bad RD's out there that don't do this) also take into consideration if your presenting with any disease process like the swelling, joint pain, range of motion, ability to perform everyday tasks, fatigue level, etc. 

Keep a journal on how you feel on a daily basis and give it to the RD.  I do mine on the computer and just print it out the day of my appt.  Do as much research as you can on RA and ask any questions here you may have.  There are a lot of caring and knowledgeable people here.

I hope you can get in sooner and hope you feel better soon!

Hi Blessed, sorry you are going thru all this.

Have you noticed that upon waking up that you have more pain and stiffness?

That is also another symptom of ra. Can your doc put on a antiinflammitory to help with the pain?  I would ask for something to help until you can get in to see him/her in May.

Best wishes, feel better

