DO PEOPLE THINK WE ARE MAKING THIS UP???? | Arthritis Information


Sometimes I think people think I'm making this up!! Unless you have it or someone you know has it is impossible to explain what this does to us. Slows us down, can't do the things we used to do, have trouble moving about. But, I think we need more of an advocacy group so we can let people know this is REAL.


Yes There is a whole mountain of ignorance out there especially about Rhuematoid arthritis.

I can be fine in the morning and absolutely hobbled by afternoon or vice/versa. It even confuses me. I really hate to commit to anything with a future time. Even my husband comes with the - 'You said you would go - you even said it would be fun, and now you say you don't want to'

We do need a much better advocacy group than the Arthritis Foundation. I think they tend to minimize our problems because they are involved with all types of arthritis. Some types are more inconvenient than serious.


Here, Here! For a new advocacy group!

Yep, up until a couple of years ago just about my whole family thought I was making mine up and I have had this for 26 years. Sad that you have to be crippled up before people realize you are in pain and unable to do things.

joonie39169.4457175926I know exactly what you mean. when people hear i have ra, I get what i call the look. then i feel like they are watching me to see if i really have it . ( i know a little paranoid). this disease is not fun and a lot of people dont understand. I am thankful for this message board it makes me feel better to read everyones post and not feel alone. I am going to be making a flyer and some ribbons this weekend to heighten RA awareness.  I am just trying to get spring cleaning done first before I start another project.  You know with this dumb RA it is one project at a time.  PM me for more info.  And btw...ribbons are at no cost to whomever wants one and so are the flyers.  I am absorbing the cost for all of this. 