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I am a 25 female that just found out that has arthritis thats eating up my joints of my toes and ankles i been having foot problems many years now no doctor could tell me what was wrong with my feet now i know i wish i didn't....  LOL


right now i am taking celebrax untill they find out how bad this is i kinda figured that i would get some form of it since my grandma and mom some forms of it..

Thanks for the warm welcome here :)


Rum...Welcome to our group.

I know finding out what you have has come as a shock as it did to many of us...but it's always better to know than not know with this disease. Now you can get proper treatment and begin to control it. Your chances of living a long, healthier life are better this way.

Hope to see more of you here. This group is so helpful to all of us.

Again; Welcome.


Hi Rum,

So sorry you are suffering with the awful pain of arthritis. I can empathize with you. I am only 28 and I too have been back and forth with docs for years not totally sure what was wrong with me. Just this year my RA dxs was offically confirmed with a bone scan that showed erosions of the bones in several of my joints and inflammation. I also have a great deal of pain in my feet which makes it difficult to walk and hard to put on shoes (esp when they swell 

Keep your head up and just know that we understand what your going thru. Hope you can get and answer very soon so you can be treated properly and also to alleviate some of your pain.


Rum, I am sorry you have ra too but at least you have found support here.  I first had foot pain six years ago, I went to two podiatrists, they both gave me different diagnosis WHICH WERE WRONG !!!!  I am glad that at least now I know what I am dealing with.  You will be too.   Welcome.

My RA has never ordered scans.  Should I ask about this?



Welcome. A diagnosis is the first step to getting the proper treatment. Celebrex will probably be augmented by stronger meds soon. At least nowdays they have a large selection of meds to use. I hope you're feeling better soon. Having your feet hurt is one of the most miserable things to have happen. Mine have been really giving me fits lately.


Not necessarily. As long as you are under the care of a Rheum... you need to trust their judgement. He may order x-rays or scans later. Hope this helps.


I just turned 26. I have had RA since I was a toddler. Lately my left foot has been swelling and both feet hurt when I am on them for any period of time.

I am sorry to hear you have RA, but at least you know what you have now.


Sorry you have to be here but at least you are not alone!!!!  I got ra and pa in my feet too it is amzing how sometimes I swear my toes look like little fat sausages.  lololol  Welcome again.  meme

Welcome aboard Rum, you've found a great place for support here.

Thanks Everyone for you're surport i know i am not alone in this i just wish i would have known sooner so it didn't get this bad the foot doctor thinks i have broken a bone in both feet from the presure of me walking different said my ankle won't turn a certain angle and i have no padding under my big toes he thinks that those are both birth defects he also said that he don't think he can help me...

Does anyone have pain like broken toes also?

That would be me, rum! Man just typing your name makes me crave an alcoholic drink...lol.

My toes always feel like they are broken. Mostly more now since I am not on any GOOD meds. I cannot stand or walk for any period of time because my toes hurt BAD!!! Plus, my left knee gets stiff  and will not bend when I am on it for more then 15 mins.


I'm a bit late in this..but welcome!!! I'm Wayney.  28, female, diagnosed when I was 7 with JRA. 
I have an odd foot pain that I wonder if it is a fracture....it feels like the other one I have.  But, I've never mentioned it to a doc as it never seems to hurt when I see one. 
My concern is a doc who says they can't help you...and while you haven't asked I'm giving my opinion.  With so many different types of treatments, some doc somewhere should be able to help you even if this is a birth defect.  If this doc isn't helping or sending you to someone who could help...you might consider a new doc.
Just my humble opinion.  I've fired docs for less though.  I look at it this way, they work for me, if they can't help me, I needn't help them buy their toys!
hugs, wayney

Howdy Rum,

I was diagnosed with ra 6 years ago, I am 33 now.  Mine begin with hand and foot pain.  My only advice is to find a good rheum doctor.  My mistake with my first doc was she wanted to start me off with the least effective drugs and I had alot of unnecesary pain and spent loads of money on drugs that did not help until she gave me the "good stuff".  I ended up with more joint damage than I had to because of this.  My new doctor does not play around and has me on a combo of methotrexate and remicade, as well as indocin and I started prozac.  I started to fight him on that one, but dealing with this disease can be very depressing.

I have learned so much from this site and the brave people who share here.  I pray you will get your illness under control in a timely manner. Please feel free to email and know that you are in my prayers.



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