Fibromyalgae or Rheumatoid??? | Arthritis Information


Can someone school me on the differences between fibromyalgse and rheumatoid? They sound so simular!!

Also, can hormones make RA worse? I take estradol 1mg a day. I read somewhere about hormones and can't remember what it said.

Thank y'all for all your wonderful knowledge you are passing on to us, the newbies!! Blessed39169.8259375Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic disease in that it can affect all the systems in your body. This includes your joints, but can also affect tendons, heart, lungs, eyes, etc. It is an autoimmune disease that is in overdrive, seeing good cells as bad ones and trying to kill them off. RA is destructive when it is not controlled. It can destroy your joints and make your internal organs sick.

FM is another autoimmune disease but it is not destructive. Your joints and every thing else are not harmed. However, it is devastating in the amount of fatigue it produces. That fatigue makes it harder to keep your body in good health. It hurts to exercise and often people back off of exercise but it actually one of the things that really helps you. You have to keep moving with FM. FM also produces a great deal of pain and sometimes you must resort to a pain specialist to manage the pain.

There is a lot of overlap: pain, fatigue, achiness. Often people have both and that makes it even worse.

Hope that helps a bit.


Deanna explained it really well.  Also, with fibro there is no inflammation as there is with RA. 

I have read that RA may be affected by hormones.  A lot of women are diagnosed after pregnancy or around menopause and pregnancy can cause at least a temporary remission.

To be real specific, there can be inflammation with fibro, but it is in the soft tissue rather than in the joints.

Much of the pain comes from tender points that are in various spots around the body and from muscle spasms.

Innerglow please direct me to info that says there can be inflammation with Fibro.  My PCP and rheumy both say that there is none with Fibro and I would like to research it as I have both RA and Fibro. 

Lisa I was hit with RA at the end of menopause when my hormones were way down.  I did not use ERT due to a family history of breast cancer.  I have read people stating that they were hit with RA at times when they had a lot of hormones going on and at times when hormone production was at it's lowest. 

Either way I personally suspect hormone involvement and at the same time I was very sick with mono, strep, bronchitis and pleurisy for 3 weeks so maybe it was a combination.


Now that I have looked for references, I find that most referring to inflammation are anecdotal and that most sources claim that studies now show inflammation is not directly associated with FMS. 

This was a surprise to me.  Personally, I have found inflammation to be a part of my FMS (long before the RA came along).  And my NSAIDS (currently Relafen) have been an important part of the treatment.

Thanks for asking the question!  I learned something.

Do you agree?  I believe most people who get RA will eventually get fibro?  I have it and knew nothing about it until a year into my RA.  So many of us do.  What do you think?

I was dx'ed with RA 13 years ago and do not have Fibro. So no; I do not think everyone that has RA will eventually get Fibro or vise versa.


For me it was the other way around in Dx's but in retrospect I think that I was battling RA for a long time prior to the Dx.

Geessss I hope not, Roxy. I don't need the muscles in my back to start hurting with Fibro like my DH! There is plenty of confusion about the fibro dx - except for the tender points test. As I have had this RA disease most likely my whole life but for sure for 33 years and do not have Fibro.

But as RA goes about destroying joints - eating cartiledge and bone it can also attack all the muscle, tendon, and ligament attachment points. That is going to make you feel like you have fibro - but you probably won't have all the tender points in the back.

(Please God, Make it true....I don't think I can stand any more stuff that hurts.)

Thanks for all the info y'all...

I think it's RA and not Fibro. PC thinks it could be a body infection. I've had all the symptoms since Janurary. Can't wait for my RD appt May 10.

Wonder how much the Ortho will be able to tell me tomorrow, any ideas?
for me, i had firbo for many years before the arthritis diagnosis. But maybe it was arthritis all along, or i just brushed my symptoms off on the fibro. I do believe most people who have fibro will eventually come down with some type of autoimmune arthritis. just my opinion. :0