Maybe its a flare | Arthritis Information


I am having a bad evening.I hurt really bad, and am so fatigued but I cant rest due to the pain.I have taken all my meds but nothing is helping.I feel bad for moaning but its one of those "oh no I think i'm heading for a flare" things. I havent felt this bad for a while.Maybe the Humira is not working??

I know how you feel. I had a bridal shower for a girlfriend this past weekend and I was downstairs working on things until 1:00am Saturday morning. When I finally made my way upstairs to bed I was in tears. It took about an hour for me to stop crying and just relax enough to let the pain pills and muscle relaxers kick in. Like you I always worry if this will pass soon or is this the beginning of it all again. That's very common.

It's very likely things will pass after some rest. Try to relax and just stay still.

Hope you feel better after some rest.

I hope you feel better!!!  Love and hugs

When I get ' beside myself ' with miseries, I take a hot bath. I am lucky to have a nice deep tub, I sort of float which takes the pressure off my joints, and the intense warmth usually does the trick. It is important to relax. Ban stress caused by pain.

Try to remember this too shall pass. Flares are not permanent -it'll pass.

My friend has severe asthma - when she has serious breathing troubles, she recites the rosary and prays. The fear caused by not being able to get enough air passes because the prayer calms her (and maybe even God lends a hand). When the fear eases, her breathing becomes easier too. 

Hugs to you. FeelBetter

Thinking of you.


I know how you feel, and I hope that you feel better. Just maybe your not going into a flare...hopefully, you will be much better tomorrow. I'm thinking of you. Ginni

Thinking of you. I hope you feel better very soon.



I am so very sorry you are having such an awful night. I pray you will find comfort soon.

Hope you feel better soon, and it is not an awful flare. I will be thinking of you.


I am sorry too.....I hope and pray you feel good realllllllllllly soooooon!

take care

Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts and prayers. I have had a strange night but eventually fell asleep and have woken up this morning with the top half of my left leg completely numb. I can feel it when i pinch it but it feels rubbery and weird.maybe thts why i hurt so bad last night.Everything is achy this morning so i'm off to the dr to see about my leg

She has occassionally tied to tell me her joints feel 'numb or something' and I have brushed it off.  Maybe it is relevant - I'll mention to her doc next time too.

she feels 'like crap' before her bouts to for 2 to 3 days too. She used to say "Its coming again Mum" (she is six) and it took me a long time to realise she was always right!  Now all the important grown ups (parents and docs) finally believe her every time.

I hope you are feeling better real soon! stay positive and keep posting messages - I'm new and I've noticed there are some very supportive people around here!

