JRA | Arthritis Information


Hey Guys,

I posted last week about my daughter having symptoms of JRA.

Well, all her blood work came back normal.

Since, I have RA I considered that she might be emulating me... even though it seems very unlikely.

She is a ten year old rough and tough cowgirl. She has had two broken bones in the last year from falls and still gets back on her horse. 

Anyway, she has continued to have joint pain and stiffness.

The doctor gave me an RX for naproxen liquid, so for the last two days I have made her a smoothie with a tsp. of the naproxen in it, and her pain is less...! 

She had no idea that I put the medicine in the smoothies.

This experiment has shown me that her pain is real. { Which makes me very sad... } I told her today what I had done and she said "I want you to keep making me those smoothies!" Apparently, the last two days have been markedly better for her.

Now, do I take her back to the pediatrician or a rheumatologist? 


I would say a rheumatologist as there is sero-negative RA or maybe JRA in this case and you wouldn't want to miss it.  I am glad to hear the smoothie helped.

Bless her little heart! I'm so glad the naproxen has helped. It just makes me hurt to see a child in pain.

I would take her to the rheumotologist, I think. To begin with, any way. Her symptoms sound so much like JRA. They can do some more in depth blood tests or perhaps x-ray or MRI one of her painful joints and see what's going on in her little body.

Please keep us posted.

Hugs to you both,




I agree. I've been sero-negative all my life, so sadly, the blood work really means nothing. At least you caught it NOW and not later. Get her in to someone, and get it under control and it'll be a breeze. Sero negative here too, Horses and broken arms at a young age also.. There is no comparison...I agree with those above. Rhuematologist definitely... Smart planning how you found out whether It was real pain.. Good job! (:O)

I would find it more unusual if the bloods DID show something.  It is very rare that a child with JRA would have a positive RA factor; the same with the ANA.

I would get one more opinion -- of a pediatriac rheumatologist. 

Definitely try to find a pediatric rheumatologist.  They specialize in BOTH of the areas your daughter needs.  At her age she will need very different treatment to an adult, so someone who specializes with children AND Ra will be the  best person for her to see


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