My hands! | Arthritis Information


Okay, so this is my left hand - because I can't hold the camera with my left and take a pic of my right one hahaha. This is how I've been since November/December. My PCP did not know that this wasn't normal. I guess she thought I had fat hands????

I have to apologize for my trashed car...........hahaha I should just say it's someone elses.......

hey Katie, that looks like my hand except your nails are longer. lol

I also have 2 more big puffy veins. Ha ha got you beat.

My left hand is the best hand. My right thumb is really jacked up!


Yeah, you look to have swelling.... did the swelling go down when you were on that pred pak?

Of course it did joonie. LOL It was pred. But she won't give me pred. *shrugs* Only 2 weeks.

well, that is good

I was just making sure, because ya know I am so weird and all




   This is my foot and my hands when flaring.

Your doc is nuts Michelle.  You should print out all of our pics here and bring them in to your next appt. lol.  And say look hands look JUST LIKE THAT MAGOO!!!

Ooooh, I can feel the heat and tingling in those fingers and want to play with bags of veg in the freezer for you - it works for me

Thanks for sharing the images, more would be really good. Anyone got nodules to share and compare?


I would like to thank you all for posting these pictures. For months and months I have been saying that my hands are swollen but because they're not sausagey (as the textbooks say PA fingers should be) the Dr ignores me! Today they're not too bad so I am off to photograph them as they should be and when they get bad again I can show the comparison. I think they think just because I'm not quite a skinny minnie (in fact nowhere near it!) that my hands are just fat...

Thank you for helping me realise I might just be right on this one!


oh, all I can say is wow.  I wondered what you all meant by swelling and such.  now I understand!  I guess my turn may come some day.  I'm so sorry.

I think you are right, I am going to print these pictures and take them with me.  My hands look just like yours and the rheumy, who is supposed to be the best in like a 200 mile radius, insists the swelling isn't from ra!!!!

This a wrist warmer that my daughter made me to see if I liked the idea.  I'm going to buy yarn in colours that match my clothes and get her to make me a bunch for winter. I am not exactly a skinnie minnie either and my rheumy can tell the difference between disease process (swelling) and me not being a skinnie minnie.  Someone needs to smack some of these docs on the forehead and maybe knock some sense into them!

Well, well, well, my fat puffy hands are normal, lol....well, to you guys. 

I wish I could put pics on here, I know I saw something about bucket something, i'm too blonde to get it. 

After you take your photos and upload them to your computer, go to  You will need to set up an account with a password.  Then upload the photos off of your computer by clicking the "browse" button, locating the photo on your computer in whatever file you have stored it in, double click on the photo and repeat the process until you have selected all the photos you want to upload.  Then click upload.  Now your photo's are in photobucket and have a URL address.

Next, when you are typing your reply here, click the button above that looks like a tree - if you run your cursor over it, it says "Add Image".  A pop up will appear where you can insert the URL address for your photo from photobucket, then click OK and you have done it!

LOL Glad I could help??? I will say............and you'll NEVER believe me.........



MY HANDS ARE NORMAL TODAY!! Well. They hurt real bad, but the swelling is *GONE* Soooo day 4 of 15mg of Mobic, and freaking FINALLY I am seeing swelling reduction! YAY. Oh Oh Oh AND AND AND I'm not dizzy. AND AND AND My shoulder.........*whispers* hasn't hurt yet today...


Soooooooooooo my shoulder thing is a result of swelling????

No your shoulder thing is prolly the result of inflammation that Mobic is now taking care of.  Ok...everytime I say or read or type the word Mobic I think of that goofy dude Moby...the so called musician lol. 

Well, I would post mine, but they are already on here somewhere, or at least on sushi.


   My RA in mainly in my feet.  They have good days and bad days with the pain and the swelling.  I would like to see pics of some of  yals feet when flaring and see if they resemble mine.  Then when I can figure out how, I will send pics of mine.  I feel like I am saying.."hey, if you show me yours...I'll show you mine!" haha!You know, my feet don't really swell. I'll take a pic of my knee when I get my next Baker's Cyst.

I say it like I'm excited. Hah!
So, I just want to confirm, the people who posted hand pictures, you have ra and only ra and your rheumy says that swelling is definitely ra??  I am getting so frustrated.  My hands have looked like that for three years, no amount of prednisone or other drugs takes the swelling or pain away.  I have had two different rheumys tell me that the swelling is NOT from ra but they don't really know what, the last thought was neuropthay but the neuro doc said no.  While my emg does show neuropathy, its mostly in my feet and she said it wouldn't cause swelling like that.

My labs are normal, I have been on humira since August and the swelling hasn't improved one little bit.  My feet swell and look like that also.
YOU HAVE RA!!! It's just sero-negative.

Yes, we all have RA, and thats what your hands look like.

By the way, I spoke far too soon. Today both of my hands have got to be 20 times worse than this picture. I called into work because when I woke up this AM, I could not move my left arm. I've come to the conclusion that I am pinching a nerve behind my shoulder blade - I discovered that I cannot feel the skin on my shoulder anymore.

I hate this. >.<
Sorry to hear your hands are so awful today.  I never really doubted the sero negative ra dx, its just the rheumy says I have something in addition to it causing the swelling.  I hate to see you guys suffering but I do find some relief knowing others swell the same as me.  My swelling just never goes away though.  Yes, once in a rare blue moon its not as bad and it gets worse as the day goes on but it never goes away.  Can't remember the last time I wore my wedding ring.

Katie, do you see a chiropractor for your back/shoulder? I used to go every two weeks but now it makes me sore and achy so I just go every 6 weeks or so but it does help!  I am concerned about the numbness you are (or rather aren't!) feeling.
No, I'm still waiting on my d*mn RD appt. It's April 16th. But I think I'm going to go in and pretty much TELL her that it's a pinched nerve, and that I'm at my wits end with it. I don't know what else TO do.

Cant you go to the ER or an Urgant Care and have them do something untill you go see the RD? 

Shan, my fear with that is they'll just give me pain killers,and I'll end up bouncing around and just hurting the nerve more. I'm TERRIFIED of losing feeling in my arm permanently. I'd rather be in pain, so that I limit my motion, and don't eff it up any harder. Does that sound stupid?

Don't get me wrong, I HATE HATE HATE this pain. Hate it. But the fear of never feeling that arm again.............much stronger emotion.
