So, experts-what do you think of my labs? | Arthritis Information


I really appreciated the advice you guys gave me when I started trying to figure this out.

The internist I went to put me on Tramadol while we figured out my problem and it's mad a big difference in being able to function all day. The pain is manageable.


So, now I have the results of my labs back and there are a bunch of things out of normal range.

CRP is high 12.1 (normal range 0.0-4.9)

Platelets are high 476 (normal range 140-415)

Carbon Dioxide is low

Vitamin B12 is low

Sed rate went down from 30 to 20 with regular use of nsaids.

Thyroid is fine so it's not that. And we found out (through a sleep study) that I do have obstructive apnea.

So, today we got an x-ray of my hands for a baseline(results not back yet) but for now he wants me to treat this like seronegative RA and take the NSAIDs and pain meds along with walking and swimming and rest. He doesn't want to start me on the dmars or MTX etc unless my symptoms worsen or the x-rays show degeneration.

Did any of you start out with such a vague diagnosis? When did unmistakable symptoms show up?

One other question for you guy as you have a hard time concentrating? I just missed half of a phone conversation with my mom and she caught me a couple times. It's frustrating and kind of embarrassing.

Thanks in advance for any advice or insight!! :)

I don't know about all of the labs, but yes, concentrating is hard.."Spacing off" is a sport at my

I too have a hard time concentrating.  I often ask my daughter's a question which they have apparently just told me the answer to.  In one ear, out the other with nothing retained in between.  Poor things think I am ignoring them.  Very frustrating for all of us!

As for waiting to start treatment, if he really thinks it's RA then you need to be on something to slow the progression.  Don't wait for damage as that is permanent.

Good luck!  And WELCOME!

Yes I started with a vague Dx but am grateful that my Dr started me on MTX because erosion was going on and now it has stopped.  I am sero-negative and didn't even swell for the first year.

Take care.
