help quick!!! teeth !! | Arthritis Information


Hi - I recently had a root canal abcessed tooth out under local anaesthetic .  Had no probs at all.  Just make sure that you take with you a note of your current medication regime.

Don't worry too much - I'm sure everything will be fine.  My surgeon gave me some luvvvverly sedation first though because I was very nervous.   Wish he'd given me some of that to bring home!!!

Good luck, you'll be fine.

Flint, the deed has most likely been done by now but just wanted to say, in my experience no problem at all. I do get my dentist and hygenist up to speed on my general health and meds when I visit. Both are great, the hygenist has always shown a genuine and caring interest in my RA.

I say keep your dentist, optician, chiropodist etc informed.

Hope your not numb for long Flint - I'm always starving when I've got the numb mouth and fancy exactly what I should have like a crusty cheese roll! I actually spent 40 minutes sucking my way through a packet of cheesy crisps one time!

I get the gas the second I walk through the door because I'm a serious Dental-Phobic and my dentist knows it. As soon as I walk in the door they get me started on the gas and by the time they "jab me" with the needle for numbing I don't care a bit!

Good Luck!

I dont mind the needles or the numbness I am just so claustrophobic that i hate the dentists hands over my face and mouth.I need to have a crown done as I broke a tooth but that mould they put in your mouth to take an impression makes me gag and feel like I cant breathe.I think they will have to put me outflint, i went to the dentist about a month ago and had a cavity filled and a
crown prep. i believe i flared for two days afterwards. the novacaine is not
so bad, only tweeks for a couple of seconds. just try to take it easy for the
rest of the day after your back from the dentist - how funny is the title of that post (in retrospect!).  Thank you guys for dealing so kindly with someone who had clearly gotten themselves into a bit of a panic (to put it politely).  Well it turns out I have 'miracle teeth!!!!'.  I have needed a filling for a year in my wisdom tooth and I didn't want one because the dentist says it had to be mercury.  Anyways he said the last time I was there he would try a white one because the hole was getting what bad - so I went to day and he said - it's amazing, it's gone - it's hardly anything this can't be - is this the same tooth and he checked all his records and it ended up I only needed a seal on the tooth because it was just superficial - so I have super teeth!!  Now.... why aren't my joints made of tooth.....  I think I will change my sign in to miracle tooth, I feel like a super hero 

Flint, you could be 'Super Tooth Fairy'

oh, and nowt to be embarrassed about in your OPof all the super powers though - invisibility? flight? shooting fire from my hands?  Nah, I have regenerating teeth  

Wow - you must have some kinda special regenerative powers going on here Flint, maybe you're like a shark or other animals that can regrow their teeth!  LOL  We need to get what you have and sell it!

This topic made me want to ask a stupid question - it is stupid but I'm asking it anyway!

Does everyone here use novacaine when getting their fillings?  I do not - never have and I have a mouth full of fillings.  The dentist I had when I was a kid started me out that way - trained me I guess you would say to not use anything.  It really annoys dentists when I go in for work - they have everything planned where they will give you a shot to numb you, while it's working they go see someone else and then come back.  But I throw a kink into the works and say, no I'm ready to do it!

Am I alone in this or are there others like me, I wonder?

Fillings without anaesthesia? Lorks gal, you were brought up tough!

The stuff we have now works straight away so no more more going back to the waiting room. I dreaded anyone starting up a conversation in those days.

Fillings without anaesthesia?  you have the 'feel no pain' super power - wow!!  I am genuinely impressed!! 

GIRL~I have to get gas just to sit in the damn chair. Their not touching me without it!! I freak out over cleanings.

So; Flint......I do not think your post is weird at all. I actually appreciate the fact that I'm not the only dental phobic in the world. I'm seriously horrible!
