Sure Signs of Spring | Arthritis Information


The days are getting longer, but we just aren't getting a break in the cold weather. One of my first signs of Spring is that I finally break down and brush the beagle out on the deck. Wads of short hair wafting through the air, visions of the wild birds weaving Cleo's contribution into their nests and YES!!, I won't be sweeping a lunch bag full of dog hair off the inside floor. How do you know Spring is in the air?

When I see little muddy foot prints coming from outside to inside


What is this "spring" you speak of? We went from 30-40 degree weather to 70-80. It's friggin summer already, I don't get it.


Sometimes, Florida sucks a little bit.



Oh Katie,

I've been sitting here with the air conditioner on thinking of July when hubby retires. I'm hot all the time. He's cold. I turn air on. He turns it off. I don't know what I'm going to do. It's too frickin hot here in Florida.

LOL I know!!! And to think, my car doesn't have AC right now............

Although it is now officially Autumn here in NZ I thought I would like to share my tribute to spring in NZ - albeit 7 or so years old!!





All around me, spring has arrived this morning.  I awoke to the sound of  a  tui’s beautiful song.    One lone  voice ,  which is quickly joined by others.

Later,  I watch a tui as he performs aerial acrobatics -  turning himself upside down to drink the nectar from the emerging kowhai  blossoms.


I hear the swish of a  wood pigeon on the wing as he  flies past  my window looking for a place to land.    He chooses,  I think unwisely,  a tiny frail twiglet of a branch on the skeleton  of the old oak tree.  He defies gravity,  by remaining there,  swaying,  watching,  until his partner too comes to join him. Together they fly off again, only to be replaced quickly by another roving pair.  And yet another pair arrives.  

 All around, tiny fantails are gathering, swirling and dipping as they practise their emerging  flight skills.   They have not yet learned to be afraid of me,  and come quickly down to  feast on the scraps of bread that I scatter on the ground.   A soft, mysterious swishing of wings heralds the arrival of  yet another gloriously elegant wood pigeon, the sun  by now catches the magnificent colours of his beautiful plumage.   A tiny fantail perches beside him  -   not yet afraid of the big boys either.


I smell the freshness of  the dew.   Later the clamour of human beings and their machines will drown out these smells and sounds of  nature,  but that intrusion into the sensational beauty of this early morning will soon be followed by the delightful smell of freshly mown grass wafting on the gentle breeze.


As night becomes morning , and morning becomes afternoon, I am more and more aware of all the signs of springtime that are gradually emerging.  The sounds of the birds, the blossoms on the leaf bare plum tree and on the kowhai.


The soft spring rain changes the colours of my winter garden into those of springtime.



September 2000

I have doves in my back yard all the time. But in the spring some will build nests in my lemon tree or the planters hanging from the gazebo.

This year we had a nest in a hanging planter that we could see into. Started out with 2 little eggs. We could see the mommy bird (or maybe it was the daddy) sitting on them all the time. Then one day I heard little peeps coming from it. Soon we could see the babies peeking out the top. Baby doves are pretty big, to come from such small eggs. It was very cool to watch them sitting on the edge of the planter flapping their little wings.

They have all flown off, now. But I'm sure someone will be back to nest in it again before long.




Nini39171.6479976852OMG  Spring is here because I have had on-going bouquets for two weeks.  Daffodils, crocus, hiacynth and tons of other flowers I do not even know.  We get about 4 mild sunny days to 3 rainy a week.  I consider it PERFECT weather.  I am just loving Oregon Spring is coming because the dog is shedding everywhere, snow has turned to rain, and some days it is warm enough to wear just a hoodie when I go out!Oh Roxy, fresh flowers! It will be months before anything is in bloom here. The birch branches for the Easter egg tree are covered with little green leaves, I feed them sugar water to force them to green up. Did you know the yard would have all those flowers when you bought the house? I love daffodils, tulips and crocus, have them planted at the back door.
Deidre*steps outside*

*comes back in*

Yeah. You all suck. (I love you)

To me a sure sign of spring is garage sales. When people start cleaning out their closets and garages and have sales. I love to do that on the weekends. I have found lots of cool, cheap, stuff!


My husband and I were in Boston on Wednesday and there were flowers
blooming in the North church gardens. We got to Montana and yes, still a
crapload of snow on the ground. No spring here.