5mg? | Arthritis Information


I apologise I know I'm gettin boring now and probably very annoying for alot of people who are in pain but:

I FEEL GREAT!!! I have felt fantastic for over a week now, no aches or pains. I can make a fist with both hands, I can do gymnastics still and I'm actually running up and down the stairs like I used too.

I'm still on Prednisolone (5mg) on alternating days but will be finishing this as of Thursday and I'm hoping the pains won't come back. I also have my second set of bloods on Thurs. The MTX seems to have kicked in.

I was just wondering is 5mg a small/average/large dose of Prednisolone? If its a low dose then I'm hoping that I'm not going to need the Preds to stay as I am whereas if its high then I'm probably rely on them still and the MTX isn't as effective as I thought.

Thanks in advance

In response to your question, 5mg of prednisolone is pretty low especially if you are using it on alternating days.  It can be cut down even lower but in general this dosage is minimal.  I hope that you find that you won't  have to rely on this medication at all.

Regarding the "annoying for a lot of people who are in pain but:....," I am one of those people with some sort of pain every day and truth be told, I am very happy for you and hope that you can continue to be as active as you are.  I have seen the worst of the worst of this disease and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  I hope that you can continue to maintain control of this disease with the minimum amount of meds as possible.  Good Luck!



I also love to hear good news along with those who need support.  It creates balance for all my whining.


5 mg. isn't much of Pred. I've been on 20 mg a day and just got lowered to 10 a day and added Arava a couple of days ago and hurting like hell.  I'm glad you are doing well...I'm hoping the Arava kicks in soon they say it will be 3 weeks or so....

Git Ur Done Girl!!!!


Enjoy, don't worry about offending the rest of us. If I see you on the street, I'll break your leg and then I'll feel better!


That is wonderful that the MTX is working for you! It's great to hear  good new. Sounds as if you have found the right med .

It is wonderful to read success stories. I hope it continues to keep you running and free from pain.

Thank you for all your kind responses. I'm fine again today. I have been training and now I'm off to visit my cousins. They are all little and a bit of a hand full so I'll be doing lots of running around after them. I'll keep you all updated with how it goes on Thursday when I come off of the Prednislone. Fingers crossed! xGlad you are doing good Jenna. Hope you do just as good when you get off pred.

My rheumy told me that your body makes 5mg of prednisone every day.  When your start taking prednisone orally your body will stop producing it after a while.  This is why you must taper off slowly, so your body will again begin to produce it.  So 5mg a day is what your body normally makes so it is not a high dose.  You get a boost at first because your body hasn't stoppoed making pred yet so you really are getting 10mg a day for a while.


5 mg. is a small dose of prednisone -- and I suspect you are getting more relief from the mtx than the pred at this point. 

I love hearing sucess stories -- it gives me hope that one day I can find the magic formula that will allow me more good days.  So, you go, girl!  Keep us posted on how you're doing.


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