Shopping for a rheumatologist | Arthritis Information


Since the loss of my Rheumy (his funeral was today), the office told me that I
could either find my own doctor or go back to my internist. So, I'm back to
square one. I have read so many posts on here from people who wait
months to see a rheumy and then are just so disappointed or just hated
them.   I want to find someone who is very good but who does not have such
an ego, that normal, down to earth communication is impossible. I'm a
nurse but I still have so many questions. Does such a creature exist? I may
have to go out of state to find one as Montana is very limited in its rheumys
and many of the clinics are not accepting new patients which is a bummer.
I'm willing to go to Seattle, Denver, or Salt Lake to find one. Does anyone
know of one that is good in any of these areas? Thanks all.

take a look on the arthirits foundation website. I tried to find it but i dont know your zipcode so it wouldnt tell me  its on the left hand side you put in your zip and it should tell you some drs

Was there maybe another RD that your RD knew, or worked with? That would be a route to start with. Is his office recommending anyone? I live in Cheyenne lorster and love my rheumy if you don't find one closer.  I do know that the female one in Casper is a dragon.


Surely they know of another rheumy who he worked with or recommended when he couldn't take more paitents?  I'd ask them that or ask if they could just recommend someone by what they have over heard in the office.

Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if rheumatologists existed?This was the only rheumy in our town and he was packed full. He also
taught at the Univ of Wash school of medicine so he had his plate full. I am
going to see my internist on the 20th and see what she has to say. I am still
in shock that this man died. He was a marathon runner and was in such
good shape. I guess it goes to show that we need to make the most of each
and every day of our lives. We never know when our time is near. I want to
find one as great and caring as he was. That may be hard to do. Thanks all.