Arthritis Foundation? What does it do? | Arthritis Information


Our local chapter (?) supports an arthritis exercise group, but honestly I don't know what else? My doctor isn't impressed with what they do here in my area.  Does anyone know about the organisation?

I know that our Arthritis Foundation does lots of things.  I actually just joined last week. 

They are doing special seminars for people diagnosed in the last 2 years, with a Rheumatologist, a physio, a psychologist, and other health professionals on managing your arthritis and what to expect in the early days.  They are running 3 of these this year.

They publish a quarterly magazine with news, tips and information.

 They have a resourse centre that you can borrow from with books, DVD's and CD's that you  can borrow by post and return when your are done.

They have a warm water execise program and Tai Chi for arthritis program

They run 120 support groups around the state.

They have a Youth arm for JRA sufferers and families.

they lobby government to obtain improved services for arthritis and related conditions. and support research.

They help with advocacy when needed and applications for special needs and interest free loans for special needs and renovations to your home like bars in the bath and stuff.

I'm pretty impressed with what they do.
