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Anyone in the process of trying to conceive, or have you tried recently?

At the moment, I am thinking about it and really scared.

I'm on 3 meths (2.5mgs) and Enbrel 2x week.

I know I have to go off meth. and onto steroids to manage RA.

Just wondering if anyone has gone through entire pregnancy with Enbrel
and steroids, or one or the other.

Thanks everyone!

Hi and welcome to AI!!! I have never been pregnant and on RA meds but i have had the conversation with my OB/GYN.  He says that it is alright to be on the bilogics while trying to concieve and also while pregnant.  He did say however in regards to the Prednisone to be on a low dose.  and if possible to try and not be on it during the 1st trimester.  He looked up in this desk reference book and prednisone has a higher risk while being pregnant then being on a bilogic.  i found that interesting and surprising. 

Good luck!!!

Thanks for the welcome kelsaysmommy! Are you thinking about trying?

My rheumy is an older male and is knowledgeable, but doesn't seem to
read up on pregnancy info.

I was on prednisone w/my first son and did have complications, so of
course I'm freaking out.

Anyone else??????

We were thinking about trying but we decided to get my RA and fibro under control first.  He did say that i would be considered high risk and to meet with an neonatologist, so you may want to try that since they seem to be knowledgable about high risk pregnancies.

Hi, I first got RA when I was pregnant, symptoms started at about 6 weeks
pregnant, then gradually got worse.
I was put on prednisone and diclofenac which worked really well. I was
taken off diclofenac at 7 months pregnant as it can have some adverse
affects on the baby in the last trimester.
After my daughter was born, I went back on diclofenac and stuck with the
two drugs for about four months with quite a bit of success. I'm now on
MTX as well.
I don't know anything about biologics, but I do know that you have to get
off MTX at least three months before trying to conceive. I didn't have any
adverse affects in my pregnancy from the other drugs (pred and fenac)
but as far as I know, there are only a small handful of drugs that can be
safely used when pregnant, so your choices are limited.
You may be one of the lucky ones who goes into remission! Good luck!
Thanks Shannon! Thanks Kelsay's mommy!I have had 5 unexplained miscarriages.  This was just before I was dx with ra but I believe I had the signs of ra for the last 3 miscarriages.  At the moment, we have given up.  I am 36 and in way too much pain to take care of myself, let alone a child should we ever be blessed with one.

However, in discussing all this with my doctors, we decided I would be on prednisone, not really for the ra but it helps weaken my immune system so the baby has a better chance.  I was also told that the humira and enbrel were ok to take. 

Hopefully, you will be one of the lucky ones who ra goes into remission while pregnant.  Be prepared though for a big flare after delivery.
Michele, I am so sorry. Maybe a miracle is in your future one day!
I know when some stop trying they get there.

BTW, I'm 35.

I hope you get your ra under control soon.

I was only on NSAIDs while I was trying to concieve which helped me at the time.  Once I was pg, I went to just tylonel as needed.  The arthritis was really good during pregnancy and didn't cause to much pain or suffering.  A lot of women do go into remission during pregnancy.  Good luck.

When I first started Enbrel 3 years ago, my Rheumy made it VERY clear that I were to be on a very reliable birth control. He didn't like my joking around about the lack of activity at that time and recommended two forms of birth control. He continued to ask regularly (and was happy to hear my hubby was snipped!!!).  If you check on the Enbrel site it does not recommend use during pregnancy. My rheumy said if we were to have another child I would have to plan the pregnancy and go off the enbrel for a few months.

here is the link:

Micheleb ; I too had several miscarriages, I had a good midwife who tested my hormone level and found very low levels of progesterone. Thankfully she tested me ASAP - and I had a very healthy daughter 8 months later - and a very succesful 2nd pregnancy with treatment!! I wish you the best of luck - and hope you have a great doctor to work with!

Thanks, Vicky.

My rheumy is against it too, in theory. However, there is no way I'd stop
my Enbrel. I think I'd do so horribly in a pregnancy, and I need to be
there for my husband and son...

So I think I'd risk the Enbrel! I just know I can't "Go back" to the way I was
before it.

There was one otis? study that was an informal assesment of not a lot of
women, that showed no negative outcome beyond the normal population.

Take care and good luck too!

Definately understandable! I know my Rheumy is very cautious as I am sure the drug companies have to be. (he chewed me out for sneaking my hubby's water pills - said it was a federal offense. What he doesn't know...