How long does it take......... | Arthritis Information


for MTX to start working?  I've been on prednisone since December and on MTX for 7 weeks.  I can't see a difference between using Prednisone alone or with MTX.  I'm kind of bummed about that, I thought it would make a difference by now.

I'm still puffy, still tired and my joints still hurt.  Of course I'm not as bad as I was without prednisone, that's been the miracle.

Any ideas?


Hi Debrakay,
At 7 weeks you are still early in your treatment with MTX.  It's a frusterating wait, but the effects can take up to 3 months to kick in.  I started MTX in early August '06 and only found relief in January/February '07.  During that time my rhuemy upped my dose to 20 then 25mg by injections after I wasn't experiencing any improvement after 3 months.  Your rheumy may also reassess your dosage in relation to your progress at your next appointment.
Best wishes to you and I hope you do find relief soon.
- Joy

Thanks Kelly & Joy.

DX'd in December, MCTD - Lupus/Rheumatoid.  On 10 mg prednisone and 15 mg of MTX, pill form.  He has lowered the prednisone and doesn't want to go higher than that.  He did mention probably starting Plequinil (sp) at my next appt.  I guess I was looking for a miracle.  There are some yucky side effects with MTX and not being able to have a glass of wine, etc., I was wondering if it was worth it. I thought I'd feel something by now.  I guess I'm going to have to find more patience, eh?  hhhmmmmm.

Although I love having a good day, it sucks when you pop back into a bad one, or a few bad ones...

Anyway, thanks for replying.  I appreciate it.

Hi Debrakay

I have been on MTX since November (15mg. pill once a week).  My Rhuemy also prescribed Plaquenil at that time.  I do feel better now than I did at Christmas but it has taken quite a few months.  If this is the full effect of the combination, I'm not satisfied with the results.  I still have quite a few "bad" days and never seem to have days where nothing hurts.  Perhaps I am looking for results that are not possible.  I find it quite discouraging when I get the stuffings knocked out of me after only a few "good" days.  I hope they find something that works quickly for you.  This really sucks.


Yes Guss, it does.  When I say "good day", I mean I can function.  I can get dressed and go to work.  That's about it though, it takes all of my energy.  If I feel as though I can push it a bit and do something extra, I wind up having a few sucky days with more swelling and fatigue.

Yesterday I went to a neighbor's party.  First off, it sucked because I wanted to be like everyone else and have a cocktail.  Okay, no biggie, I drank water.  I stayed for 3 hours, not the 8 hours like everyone else.  What am I doing today?  Nothing.  I haven't even showered.  I'm puffy, sore and feel like sh*t.  I emptied the dishwasher, put on a load of clothes in the washing machine, wiped down one sink and I'm in bed.  It's pathetic.  I don't even have the energy to go get something to eat.  I'm not sure what is worse, the physical pain or the emotion crap of having a day like this?

Sucks hearing that adding Plaquenil doesn't help you Guss.  What's next?

Hi Debra...I've been on mtx for about 15 years..After a few months we had to add plaquenil.  They've both worked very well for me.  I had to later add sulfasalazine, but that wasn't until much later.

Mtx has really worked well for me...hoping it does the same for you, Debra.


Ive been on MTX and enbrel since july 2006 and still cant do without the prednisone. Cant seem to get lower than 3mg. I will be having a discussion about this on the 9th with my doctor. So, now am am wondering if anything is working without the prednsone. MTHX can take up to 3 months to feel any benefits. I take Plaquinel with it.  Whilst I still get pain in one joint or another during the week,it's not half as bad as it was before I took these two meds.  Stiffness has decreased significantly with MTHX so hang in there, it's early days yet.

I'm taking 15 prednisone, 6 @2.5 of methotrexate the last 2 weeks and had my 3rd treatment of Remicade. I think the last 2 weeks the MTX had really helped!  I felt immediate relief from stiffness, but I'd also had the Remicade on the 19th. I still can't leave off the 15 prednisone.....Who knows what is working????? It seems to me, could some one clear this up?, that if we can go of the prednisone then the MTX has taken over? Is that how it works? For me the two Remicade & MTX should let me drop the prednisone.

