Just not touching it | Arthritis Information


I just can't seem to get my pain level down today.  I have been up since 930am CST and since then (it is now 245pm CST) I have taken 60mgs of morphine, 50mgs of Lyrica, and 10mgs of percocet and still want to tear my hair out.  My daughter rubbed my bad foot for me and no relief even from that.  I can't wear a Lidoderm patch because I wore one overnight on my foot and can only wear them for 12 hours at a time.  DH suggested the ER but they probably won't give me anything on top of everything I have already taken.  I tried to nap and tossed and turned.  UGH.  I have done NOTHING in my house today.  My whole body just HURTS from this ridiculous weather.  I'm exhausted from my mtx shot yesterday (that is normal tho) and it seems worse today because of the pain.  I freaked out to DH because I don't want to go back to where I was since Oct '06.  It took me til freakin March to recover from the winter.  He calmed me down and said it is just the weather fronts that keep coming in one right after the other for the past couple of days.  I am just not interested in my usual pain distractions either.  What is with me today???  Could I be on the brink of giving up???  At LEAST I have my mtx and humira and able to take them this weekend.  I can't imagine what I would be like without them.  Well I can since I went thru it this winter.  UGH!!  What is wrong with me today???

Oh no.You were doing so well lately I am so sorry you feel bad now. It must be the time of year but it seems we are all having relapses. Just be kind to yourself and dont worry about the house.No you are not giving up, your body just wants you to slow things down a little.

Big gentle hugs . I hope you feel better soon





We all need a vacation. Do it Liz. DOO EEETTT. New Orleans, this August. COME ON. You know you wanna. Wouldn't that be great motiviation for TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF. Eh??

Have you tried a nice hot bath to help soothe the pain? It may be worth
trying. I know how slow the clock seems to tick during times like this. I
hope this front moves through quickly and you start to feel better.OH Liz i know what your talking about.  This weather is starting to piss me off !!!  Good thing you have something to dull the pain a little bit.  I have only flexeril  OH and stupid tylenol and aleve yea those work :(  hope you are finding some relief soon hun

There's only one thing stronger I can suggest...CHOCOLATE!

I know, that probably won't do it today either.  Just try to remember this is one day, without projecting into the future that you're going to be back where you were...I'm an expert...I'm the Queen of Projection (my therapist agrees).

And instead of thinking what you didn't do around the house, think of what you did do...take care of your body.

I hope you get some relief real soon!

This superb herb, wild lingzhi can fix your problems, no need meds, rubbing oitments, creams etc.

One good reliable herb fixes all. So simple



THATS IT LIZ. GET YOUR @$$ ON A PLANE AND GET DOWN HERE. Cause otherwise I'm gonna lose it. And so are you, and we just don't need both of us flipping out. Hahaha

LOL I wish I could.  Believe me if I could, I would be there floating in the ocean and lying on a warm beach. 

Matt...that is only a small portion of the meds I am on lol.  They don't cancel each other out.  My morphine is extended release pain relief...the percocet is for breakthru pain...and the Lyrica is for nerve damage in the back of my knee but it also can be used as a pain killer.  But I use it for my nerve damage.  Without the Lyrica I wouldn't be up and walking as well as I am.  I take many more meds..none of which I can drop. 

Me too, I am in so much pain and so losing it...I am so sorry you are in so much pain yet have the spirit to give me the much needed support........I just do not know how much more I can take of all this...I am just getting toooooo old for all this crap!

I do hope you get to feeling better and warm baths and chocolate do help they really do if only for a bit. Other than that I have no idea how to ease yoru pain, I sure wished I did. Weather fronts are the pits! Anyone ready to move to Florida????????????I am game if you are.



The salt water of the ocean does help.  I live in Michigan but recently went to mexico and the ocean water made me feel better than any pain pill.  Have you tired soaking in a bath of hot water with epsom salts?  I feel your pain, really I do and it really just plain sucks.  I hope you are hurting less today. SEE. SALT WATER. GULF OF MEXICO.

I demand a visit.

I hate weather fronts..they can cause really serious pain coming in and going out. I quit living in the midwest - Wisconsin to be specific - with a change every 3 days and the long hard winter- too much.

Sunny AZ is much better but we still have some fronts go through. I love our boring weather. Come join us snow birds!

Are you feeling any better today? Thank you everyone for your kind and caring thoughts and words.  My flare is getting better.  I am managing on just my morning dose of morphine today.  No percs yet today!  I am not feeling well...stuffy runny nose, the ache you get when you are sick, feeling like I am breathing thru a wet blanket.  I have had to use my rescue inhaler twice already today.  I can't win for losing!!!!  Hugs and love!  I would send you a kiss too but not if you have cuties!!!  I sure hope you aren't catching something!! Hey, you guys think we can get a discount if we all go to mexico together???? I swear,, my body never felt better than when I was soaking in the ocean there!  My tub just is NOT the same!!! Last time I was swimming in the Sea of Cortez, I stepped on a HUGE stingray.  I stay on the beach now

Nothing as soothing and comfortable when the blood started to move vigorously to clear blockage in the veins of affected joints. The feeling was great when the herbs worked to control and cleanse "the culprits". The blood was rushing that could been seen from the pulsating veins and that set the affected joints to twitch continuously. So sensational and soothing it was like 'all angels were rushing in and all evils were scrambling for their lives'.

Next the toxic wastes were disposed naturally.

Appropriate herbs are simple and natural but its healing power is mystical.

I discarded drugs almost 20 years because nature works!

"The blood was rushing that could been seen from the pulsating veins and that set the affected joints to twitch continuously."

Yikes! I'd be a bit alarmed by that! How long did that last for Koka? Was it immediate and how long did you take linghzi for?

Tinker posted 'Yikes! I'd be a bit alarmed by that!' 

The first experience I was excited, happy and felt so comfortable to have continuous twitching. It was a phenomenon.

When there was a flare, the wild lingzhi formula herbs eased the pain then tracked the advancement of attack to other joints (in my chronic case the attack was a cycle i.e. from feet to knees, hip then to chest and shoulder's joints). Once the herbs had 'stabilized' the attack, then it would 'neutralize' and 'melt' the 'culprits'.

Then the next stage was for the herbs to start its cleansing process. "The blood was rushing that could been seen from the pulsating veins and that set the affected joints to twitch continuously." Depending on severity the process would last a few days. In the meantimes, the toxic wastes were disposed intermitently and naturally. When swells subsided, back to normal again.

I have been taking wild linzhi for almost 20 years. Wild lingzhi is our family nutritious supplement and we take it a few times in a month. I do not have flare for many years and I do not need wild lingzhi formula herbs.

For almost 20 years I have not taken any drug/med/injection. I had gold injection & super meds when bedridden but they were not effective anymore that was 20 years ago.

A piece of advice, fighting chronic disease never easy. Appropriate herbs effective to ease pain, suppress, control, melt and dispose the 'culprit' at all levels to reverse the severity gradually and continuously adjusting metabolic disorders to right balance.  Selecive natural foods help to keep a good balance of the body system and nurture our healthy body system.

For a layman, I am not medical nor scientific savvy but know only correct herbs and natural foods to overcome the disease.

In my encounter with many acquaintances, the side effects of meds likely could cause heart, kidneys problems and diabetes besides, arthritis. Take care!

Tinker, how long you have arthritis and how you treat it when it flares?

"Yikes! I'd be a bit alarmed by that!"  Was it immediate and how long you have on meds? Are you not alarmed by that?

I really like to see your version. 

'Just not touching it' because the power of drugs wear off against the disease and the body immune system is weaken.

To be able to touch it, the need of appropriate herbs is inevitable as nature has mysterious and communicative frequency with the disease. Its ability to stop the disease of causing pain and in a amicable manner 'tamed', 'melted' and 'disposed' the culprits naturally.

It is a realityOr just better pain killers. :)
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