got the flu | Arthritis Information


man oh man! since Ive gotten RA I have been SUPER cautious about avoiding sick people...

someone sneezes in the aisle at the grocery store, you better believe im holding my breathe closing my eyes, plugging my ears and running the opposite direction -- NO EXAGGERATION HERE LOL

I just cant believe I have caught the flu, massive migrane, stuffy chest, wacky eye balls (occular migranes) - and the worst of the worst symptoms.. sore throat. OK, throwing up is the worst of the worst, but I just hate to have a sore throat.

Should I skipp my methotrexate today?
Sorry to hear you arent well. hope you get better soon.Not sure about mtx though as its been years since i took it.When I was on the MTX I was told to skip it if I even had a cold so I would say to at least call your doc before you take it to be sure.  I understand the running from germs thing.  Even though I am an EMT I have always been called a 'germaphobe'.  If someone is sick I would ask with what first....a cold I coould deal with but if involved the stomach at all.....I was long gone!  Hope you feel better soon.Sorry you're feeling so poorly. Are you sure you have flu and not heading for a flare? Many of us experience flu-like symptons just before a flare. If you are vomitting you may well bring up your meds anyway. Mtx takes about 8 weeks to leave the system so not taking it wouldn't make that much difference to your recovery time. Personally, I would wait for my tummy to settle then take it but within 24 hours otherwise contact rheumy clinic.When I had a cold that I couldn't kick Dr let me skip a week of MTX.  I'm so sorry that you are sick as I know we don't need any added problems.  My dr. said I could skip the MTX if I was sick, I'll even hold off taking it if the family is sick, so I have a better chance at not getting it. Then the hand washing and antibacterial wiping goes into high gear, I'll even suck on Vitamin C lozenges.

I vote wiht the call the doctor. It is such a bother to build back up that MTX so I wouldn't go off of it unless absolutely necessary. I'm just getting 'some where good' with my dosage. Good luck, and sorry you are so sick....



Strep throat is going around here really bad.  You'll need antibiotics if that's it.  Don't mess around if it could be strep!  Get to dr.

Take care and get well!
