RA Biologics and photosensitivity | Arthritis Information


I sure could use any one's knowhow or personal experience concerning remicade and intolerance to sunlight. I've skin and blood tested negative for lupus ,i,m off remicade now for 10 weeks and still sunburn too easily. IF anyone has experienced similar reaction please write. I,m assuming it's drug related but don't know. On a brighter side the azalea's are out here in SC the Masters are right around the corner. Thanks for taking the time to read this.I have not read that any of the biologics increase sun sensitivity. There are big print warnings about sunburns while on MTX 

Hi Nabeel, the azalias are so beautiful, every year I look forward to the open and seeing that lovely course!! Hve you tried Wipipedia? I look up 8 drugs  yesterday and what a help it was. Perhaps it has 'sun sensitivity' info.


Oooops! Wikipedia, sarahI do not know for sure.  However, I just took a trip to mexico and went to the fake 'n bake (tanning beds) before I left.  I take the humira weekly so am on a high dose and I was able to tan.  I am very fair and burn super easily as it is but I did manage to work up to a good tan.  I did burn slightly a couple of times and my shoulders burned and peeled in mexico but nothing any worse than I would have normally.
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