Lycria, neurottin, gabapentin | Arthritis Information


For those of you who have been on these drugs, how long did you find it took before you could tell if they were working?  I was on lycria for 6 weeks, than switched to the gab because its so much cheaper and took that for another 6 weeks.  They make me dizzy and spacey and crappy feeling and I did not believe they were helping at all.  The neurologist said I didn't give them enough time.  So, I tried to start the gab again and again, it makes me sick.  Do you think a total of 12 weeks was a fair shot?

yeah; I think you would have seen some benifits by then.

I take Lyrica and it didn't take that long for me to realize it was indeed helping. It makes me kindof dizzy and spacy too so I only take one dose at night. My doctor originally prescribed it for twice a day; but I won't take it during the day. Even just taking it at night I notice the next morning I'm somewhat on the dizzy side and don't want to contribute to that feeling while I'm working or even driving for that matter.

I tried Neurontin and I don't remember how long I gave it...probably 8 weeks, before I stopped because it wasn't helping.

The Lyrica took some getting used to, and I think it was about 10 weeks before I saw a difference in the neuropathy.  But then the pain returned and we needed to up the dose, and again I had to get used to it.  I now take 150 mg twice a day and it is really helping.

I took Gabapentin, first 2 then 3 then another 'pain management' guy said take 6 (3x a day) I feel in the shower and hit my head!!

I then went to Prednisone, Mtx, and Remicade, which I'm still on. (trying to get off pred)

I felt them all right away, but also failed them because they increased the tremors. They have me on Cymbalta right now which really helps me a lot with the pain, anxiety and depression. It makes me too sleepy but even after a few days, I noticed a lot of pain relief. I'm hoping they can try a lower dosage for me.

When they tried Bacoflen, they did have to go up and up to get to the right dosage. That would be my next question.
I did start on a low dose of the lycria and then the gab.  I worked up to three pills three times a day and it really didn't do much but make me dizzy and sick feeling.  I can't imagine how I would cope on a higher dose.  I usually tolerate side effects as well as can be expected but this one just made me feel crappy.  I really feel like I am on way too many drugs as it is.  I just have to believe that all those man made toxic drugs take their toll just as much as the ra itself.  I have weaned off a few things but here is my rx list

AM dose
-prenatal (not trying to get pg but its a good vitamin and I have two boxes left over from before)
-3 folic acids
-2 calcium
-2 vicodins
-4mg prednisone (trying to wean off compltetely)
-birth control pill

Usually 2 more vicodins or norco after lunch

PM pills
-2 10mg ambiens
-5mg xanax
-6 mg zanaflex (muscle relaxer)
-60mg cymbalta
-stool softners if needed
-more pain pills
can you imagine with all that I still have troubles sleeping!!!!!

It takes about 8-12 weeks for the mtx to leave your system.  Keep on taking that folic acid!  I have what they call active tremors from all the meds that I take and it sucks.

It took about 8 weeks on the Lyrica for me to notice a difference.  I take 50mg 3x a day.  It does make me spacey, dizzy, and very tired.  But I don't work so I can relax thru the day.  I try to stay awake after doing my daytime doses.  Sometimes I can't. 

I have had hair falling out but not in 'hand fulls' from MTX, evry time I comb my hair it is obviously not just natural 'falling out', but I need the MTX , so I tollerate the problems. 6 X 2.5.......


If you are not getting relief ask your doctor about nortriptyline (Pamelor) or a similiar drug. I take it at bedtime as it causes sleepiness. I have not noticed any other side effects. Neurontin, and lyrica made me kind of dopey and did not help. Pamelor is also an anti-depressant but it does something (don't understand what) to the neurotransmitters which helps relieve some of the discomfort of neuropathy. I hope you find relief soon.


It made me very ill-feeling also (from the gab). My neuro said that he had never seen it affect anyone like it did me. I was idzzy, sick feeling, and no matter how low the dose, it still made me sick. I tried it for several months and just coudln't take the medication.I am going to ask the rheumy about the nortiptyline.  I remember when I had RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) a few years ago, that was one of the drugs they suggested.  I ended up having to have 8 spinal blocks instead.  I do have issues with depression and sleeping and if it helps those along with the nerve pain, I am willing to give it a try!

I stopped the gab again, it just makes me to sick and dizzy and I really didn't think it was helping any.  I don't think I am going to keep my appt with the neurologist.  She doesn't think she can do anything anyways and she just isn't very nice at all.  If the drug helped, I would take it but it just didn't do anything besides make me ill.

I didn't stop the mtx because of the hair loss, although I did cut 14 inches off my hair and have lost at least half of my remaining hair.  I stopped it because I didn't see any improvement after 3 months and it made me so tired and upset my tummy even though I was going the injections.  Frankly, I would shave my head bald if I could feel better!

I hate changing doctors and starting over again but maybe you should try a different neurologist. I was sent to an MS specialist who was so mean to me that I sat out in the parking lot and cryed. I swore I would never go to another specialist but my GP convinced me to go to a university hospital and they have alwasys treated me with respect and have been able to help me. It took 18 months to get there though. I know what you mean about the hair. Mine is falling out from immuran and won't hold color for anything now but I don't care because the drug is helping. I can't work a curling iron anymore to style it anyway. I'm thinking -just cut it short, let it gray, and be me! Wishing you encouragement - better days will come.

