Closure? | Arthritis Information


Ok I have gone back and forth for a while about posting this but i think I need to do it to get some kind of closure.  9.5 years ago i was raped by my then boyfriend.  He knew that i was against premarital sex but were were all drinking and all i remember is that we ended up having sex.  Was it against my will? I dont know but what i do know is that i was intoxicated.  I found him about 3 weeks ago on Myspace and we started talking again.  BAD IDEA!!!  Then i kept going back and forth in my head thinking it really didnt happen that he is a good guy that kind of stuff.  Well it finally kinda hit me.  I needed to cut all ties with him to get past this.  I have been dealing w/ this for almost 10 years.  Enough is enough.  I dont want him having this control over me.  So i sent him an email through myspace telling him i couldnt have contact with him and why.  I know he'll sit there any deny that he raped me, which is what i expect him to do.  It also happened to me the spring before this had happend w/ a guy friend.  I was babysitting and he had come over. Yes, i know i was stupid.  We started fooling around and he wanted to have sex w/ me and i told him no, he just kept saying "dont say no Shannon, dont say no"  finally i got him off of me and made him leave.  Unfortunitly we were still going to the same school but i was able to get him expelled.  I didnt press charges but the school expelled him.  I saw him a few years after that and he admited to everything that he had done, No body till then (except for my parents and the school) had believed me that it had happened. 

Ok im done for now, just rambeling trying to get it out of my system i guess.  Thanks for listening

I am sorry, Shannon. Maybe you can go talk to someone about to help you get closure? I mean, once it is out there and someone else hears your story and they then agree with you that is was rape, then you can have closure. Shannon, I had the same thing happen to me with my first husband. Only I was really stupid and married him because of all these screwed up religious ideas I had at the time. But the truth is that he did rape me, then and later when we were going through the divorce.

Inside yourself, you know it was rape. You know you didn't consent. You didn't want it. They took something from you that wasn't theirs to take. You can get all the agreement in the world or none. But what you know inside yourself is the truth.

And yes, it is hard to get over. It affects me forever. I don't dwell on it. But sometimes out of the blue, the feelings will pop up when someone tries to invade that truly personal space again. Use that feeling as a warning sign. I don't get it if someone is truly special. But it flares like a monster if someone is crossing the line.

It happens far more than most will admit to.

If you aren't sure if it was against your will, I don't know that you can call it rape.  Perhaps he took an unfair advantage, but if you don't recall that you once said "no", you may be accusing someone unfairly of doing something that you didn't consent to. 

Either way, I think you did the right thing by cutting off ties with him.  Anyone who would have such casual sex with you, whether it was consented to or not, isn't a quality person.

Best wishes to you, and I hope you are able to put it behind you and realize that you are worthy of being loved the right way.

you guys have no idea how hard it was to email him.  Im so scared to hear/read his reply.  Why? i have no idea just am.  Hopefully this will get rid of some un-needed stress that im dealing w/

such things on a health board? hmm... one word i have for you you can look up, that word would be: "Stupid".  hey i have another one for you that you can look up, "ignorant".

now for this well we'll call it a compound word though it isn't you can find the def somewhere i am sure: "attention whore"

i don't know you but couldn't resist and hell girl it sounds like you are about as gapped as a 4 car garage. 



I think you do know know her all too well. We know who you are. Who do you think you're foolin?

Give us a break!

Reddfox, this is a support group. I see not one bit of support in your post. You are cruel and need to


if you don't have anything nice to say....don't say anything at all!


Reddfoxx - alias alias alias alias ETC ETC ETC



Here's A COMPOUND word for you





Randy, seriously, we grow tired of your antics. Perhaps if you had gone to a thesaurus and ATTEMPTED to make you sentences a bit more intelligent, we wouldn't have known it was you. But ya know, that's red-neck inbreeding for ya! ;-)

When women turn you down, you're not supposed to run away and cry, and hide, and piss and moan. Most men have BALLS, and they suck it up and walk away. Should I send you a magnifying glass so you can find yours? Or are you having a hard time finding them, due to your head being shoved so far up your @$$ ?

Go find a cow to tip. Ciao.

I posted this not to get attention like you may think "Randy".  This board has been like an extended family to me and i trust them enough to post this.  I did it because it was something i needed to do to try and get over this.  It is people like you that give women the reason to not report rapes.  I dont care if they are dating the person or if it someone off the street that they do not know.  If you are under the influeance of ANYTHING you cannot give consent.  The reason i didnt report it was because i was dating him and i didnt think it was considered rape at that time, it wasnt untill much later down the road where i was looking up some information where i found that i could've had him charged.  Im sorry i even brought this whole thing up, i really thought that i could trust people on here and that certain people could for one minute keep their mouth shut.  Randy would you have said that if it had happened to one of your sisters?  I know for a fact you wouldnt have but for whatever reason you think your a hard A@@ because you got your feelings hurt. 

I woudnt have even bothered addressing randy or whoever.
Shannon, You are brave to face your fears. Dont worry about his answer. I can bet he wont own up to what he did anyway. Keep your head up high.