Tooo many red vines!! | Arthritis Information



Well I am sitting here all alone this afternoon eating "red vines" and "butterfingers".  Oscar went camping over night for the first time with some friends of ours.  He was so darn excited he had the car door open before the car came to a complete stop and was saying his goodbye's as he ran off without his stuff


Well I just needed to get that out, it's going to be a very long night for me (and my stomache

I hope everyone is doin okay and that you all have a great 4th!!

)  How old is Oscar?  You know what, I think it is good that you are letting him explore his boundaries and limitations.  Those are life lessons for all kids.  I have a dear friend who is a college professor and kind of like my mentor.  He always says - if the risk is only temporary consequences - let them experience it. Life experience is the best teacher.  (That was when I was leading a K-12 outdoor science program.)  It is true -  I was way too protective of my daughter.  I would have to let her go with someone else so I was not fretting over her.  If Oscar has a bad flare, he will learn.  I pray he doesn't but he will be learning his limitations and how to cope with ra.  Just my opinion.  Have a wonderful 4th and I LOVE RED VINES!  PS  I am constantly being told by those that love me that worrying never helped anything.  Try not to fret too much.  I know you miss him.Pam, I was just getting ready to sign off to watch my boys cook dinner and then play a family game.  Uno since Bastian is supposed to be learning numbers.  I'm torn with what to say. My Mommy side says keep Oscar from hurting despite knowing that you can't do that.  My kid with JRA side says Go Oscar!!!  It's instinct to keep your kid from hurts.  I remember what it was like to be told not to do things.  Once I got older and my mom felt better letting me pick and choose activites, we found I had an inner stop button basically.  I'd pay some after things but not as bad as it could be.  Ok, all that rambling to say, yeah he'll hurt, but it'll be so fun that he'll remember that more than pain probably. 
hugs, wayney
red vines and futterbingers together??? i like both just can't imagine them together.   i'm overdoing it on choc pudding, before dinner even!!!
happy 4th




                           Please don't ever try this!!

Have fun playing and counting......did'nt need to hear about the chocolate pudding before dinner

Well, they boys had fun winning, I had fun watching them kick my butt at UNO.  Now, please...a 3 yr old beat me at UNO. How sad is that?  As for trying your mix of snacks, no way.  and the pudding, not something you contained tylenol.  Yes, I'm a big baby and can't swallow my pills like a big girl so we crush them and put them in pudding. 
hugs, wayney

Wayney, Wayney, Wayney ...  My 7-year-old step-grandson has to take pills the same way.  I hoped he'd grow up and grow out of it.  seems you're telling me i'm dreaming....maybe when he's 30?  Sheesh! 

And what's wrong with you people?  You sound like a bunch of wimpies.  Red vines and butterfingers?  No problem.  Sounds like an appetizer to me.  Then I could move on to Oreos and peanut butter sandwiches for an entree.  Then perhaps ice cream for dessert.  Oh.  Of course I'd need to wash it all down with my usual Diet Coke...

Sara38536.7641435185LOL, Sara!  


The memories of the camping trip will last far longer than any discomfort he may have as a consequence of the trip. Encourage Oscar to try anything he shows an interest in. Usually accommodations can be made for a child with a chronic illness to be a part of many different activities. Kids make adaptations so much easier than adults do. Its hard on the parents to stand back and not hover over their child. I'll bet he'll be so excited when he gets home that he talks about the experience for days.

I once ate an entire batch of fudge in one sitting and never even felt nauseated. Num-num!!!!


 I'm sure you're right.....we'll let you know how it goes!


        OMG, that's alot of fudge! and not even a twinge of nausea?

                                You are my hero!!!   

Thanks for helping me through.....the camper is home

I guess this means I have to put the red vines back in the cabinet and try to eat healthy again as I promised myself I would do

Cant wait til he wakes up....hopefully feeling good and ready to tell some more of his amazing stories

Love you guys

     Hi Karen,

         It makes for a long night when our favorite guys are'nt with us.  Please, whatever you do, stay away from the red      vines!! 

enjoy your movie,



Pam,  I am so glad your "happy camper" is tucked snug in his bed.  Do you realize what you got started.   I ate one of those giant boxes of DOTS today in about five minutes.  No exaggeration.  I think it is the ra low energy, but I swear I have had such cravings for sweets lately.  I seem to blame everything on ra these days Ok so now I need to know......what are red vines, butterfingers and Dots?  I'm from the UK so I haven't got a clue what they are.Red vines are like strings of red "licorice" except they usually taste like cherry or strawberry.  Dots are like candy jels... but shaped more like a gumdrop and chewier.  Butterfingers are candy bars that have a peanut butter crunchy stuff inside and then are covered iwth chocolate outside. 6xmum,  Your description makes them so tantalizing


I'm just now checking the boards and hate I missed the direction this discussion went.

Pam...I just wanted to say one thing about Oscar and camping. To me; as a person with RA not nessesarily a parent of a child with JRA, anything that gets his mind off of the fact that he has a chronic illness and makes him feel normal...if even for a little while is what is going to best for Oscar. I feel this way now as an adult. Sometimes it's worth it; the pain that is just to be happy and feel like part of the living. If even just for a little while. Does that make any sence at all to anyone?

You're a good Mom Pam. I'll continue to learn from you, do doubt.


Hi Lovie,

yes, thanks so much that makes alot of sence.  Oscar had a small fever last night, can't put shoes on because his foot hurts, knees are stiff and sore, and is completely exhausted.......but, he is the happiest kid in town cuz he went campin! If you asked him right now to go again, he'd be ready in about 5 minutes

I'm sure we'll continue to let him do most of the things he wants to do and I'll continue to worry whether I've made the right decisions or not.  That's just the way it is

You guys are the greatest with advice and are alot of fun too!

6Xmum, I'm pretty sure you don't eat such junk, but your descriptions are exactly great!!


