Which side is affected the worst? | Arthritis Information


Hi Guys!

I was just wondering which side of your body is affected the most or better yet smaller the the other side of your body?

My arthritis affected my left side more than my right side when I was younger. Any part on my left side is smaller alot smaller then my right. I mean smaller like 2 - 3 inches smaller.


No real size difference here.  As for which side is worse...depends on the joint.  Right shoulder, worse than left (and I'm a lefty); hips, right; foot, left; knee, left; hand, depends, painwise, left, non-working right.  Then there's the equal opportunity pain, my back....it's my total lower back, my unhealing tailbone, and down into my glutes.  If I had to pick a place that was the worst all around, it would be that area! 
hugs, wayney
I am so symetrical it is sickening.  No differences here.

Symetrical as well. If one finger flares up the other on the other hand follows suit. If one knee develops fluid the other does the same. Nightmare!

Hummm...I guess I am the only weirdo on here lol.

Hi Joonie,

Your not the only weirdo on here

In fact you're not weird at all.  I have pain on both sides, but the pain on the left side is worse (I'm a lefty) in case that has anything to do with it.....Wayney mentioned being a lefty so it might.

Oscar is a "righty" and his right side is worse.

Now, you are not weird.  Children with JRA often have smaller joints or shorter limbs because of blood supply during flares and growth.

That's what I've read anyway.  So you are perfectly perfect!!


You know, I was not symmetrical at all in the beginning.  That is why I did not think it was ra.  I thought it might be poly miositis.  But now during flares, it always starts out on one side and that side will always be the worst one, but it does go to the other side.  Nothing symmetrical, my left knee can be hurting more at the same time my right shoulder hurts more.  Wierd huh?  I am starting to notice that I am favoring my left side lately - like I want to protect it.  Nothing about ra makes sense!  Hey, I am ambidextrious - maybe it does make sense.  Generally my right side hurts more than my left, but whenever one joint
swells up the corresponding joint follows just usually not as bad.

Curious; I too HAD this problem.

Lovie - my leg is not that much shorter, maybe a half inch to an inch. I wobble when I walk...lol.

I do have one finger on my left hand that is shorter thenmy other middle finger on my right hand. My left middle finger is the same length as the other fingers beside it. I had hurt that finger when I was younger and it never grew. The knuckle into my hand for that finger is big and pushed back some, it hardly ever hurts, but does like to swell.

When I went to the Chiropractor he said one hip was higher, one leg was shorter.....After reading all of these post....if we put it all together.....we can come up with a common denomenator...did I spell that right????


Yeah; I guess that's what I was wondering as well Kat. I had surgery to correct the abnormal growth in one leg when I was 12 or 13. I'd recently read that JRA left untreated in children can lead to such growth deformities. I wasn't diagnosised with RA until my early 20ties; but I had a lot of pain as a child that they just blew off as "growing pains".

I do now wonder if I've had this for many more years than originally thought. Not that it really matters now I suppose. Just curious as to others experiences.

Definately chime in here guys if you've had simular experience.


Well, I guess that is what I was trying to say...growth deformities.

All of my are on my left side. That is where I had the most pain when I was younger in my left knee. I was hardly ever in my right knee.

I will scan a picture of my left hand ya's so you can see my "growth deformity".

I thought this article kind of fit in this thread....ow not all joints are affected the same.

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