Massage and acupuncture update | Arthritis Information


Well, the pt guy was out sick with a stomach bug yesterday, I hope they disinfected everything, so no pt for me yesterday.  However, I did go for an one hour full body massage.  She concentrated mostly on my low back, wrists/hands and ankle/feet as that is where most of the swelling is.  It sorta hurt a bit at times but she swore she was only using light pressure and the areas need to be stimulated to try and get some of the swelling to go.  I did feel a bit better last night but still pretty miserable.

I went this morning for my acupuncture and it went much better this time.  It didn't hurt nearly as bad.  She said the reaction I had last week was due to the toxins getting out of my system and that it shouldn't be as bad this time.  She gave me a little massage with some lovely smelling stuff afterwards.  Its been over a hour now and I don't feel all funky like last time.  A little odd and tingly and my back is stiff from laying on the table.  Next week she is going to put a moist heating blanket down for me to lay on to try and keep my back from hurting.

They got my blood work in this am as well but the doctor hasn't had a chance to look at it yet so waiting for them to call me.  I did ask for something stronger for the breakthrough pain while I am trying to wean off the steroids.

Ok, thats about all the typing I can do for now!  Love and hugs to all!

Did they recommend for you to drink lots of water after your acupuncture or massage?  It helps to get rid of the toxins faster that are released from the massage and acupuncture.

I am glad this session went better for you.  I hope this works for you so you can get some relief. 

I'm glad this one went better.  I think drinking lots of water is a great suggestion...(although I am one who hates drinking the stuff).  I am very interested in acupuncture and am considering trying it myself.No, they didn't mention it but I am pretty good about drinking water anyways!  I definitely hurt today real bad and my eyes are still super red from this flare but the acupuncture didn't make me all freaky.  Last time it made me sleep real well, lets hope that is the case today as I am just exhausted.

I am so mad at my boss, he is just such as ass.  I have worked for him for 9 years and when I was healthy, I did great work.  Just a small, very small sampling of the insensative things he says-yesterday I could hardly move, he could tell I was hurting, lots of visuable swelling, uvieitis in full flare, the whole nine yards.  Two salesman walked in wanting to know who to talk to about disability insurance and I asked them about it for myself, of course its too late now.  But, my boss walked in while we were talking and went off on a tangent.  After rudely kicking the sales people out and continuing to belittle me as our patients begin to come in, he finally says to me that I have two options, figure out what is wrong or die. I looked at him through tears and calmly told him at this point, I would rather die and walked into the bathroom and cried for 10 more minutes and made him deal with the patients.

Like I haven't been to more doctors than I can even count.  Like I am not doing everything possible.  Like I take these nasty drugs because I like the side effects.  You can take one look at me and tell I am sick.  He is just such an insensitive jerk. 

I have to admit my job is low key with the exception of my boss and with the job market the way it is, I am afraid even if I stop working for a few months to get better, I will never find another job.  Money is evil, or, I guess more accurately, not having money is evil!