Pretty scary | Arthritis Information


Finally found out.  I had a stroke.  Pretty scared and makes you really look at life and hope for more of it.  It is probably good Brett is gone.  What is amazing is there is nothing they can do about it.  The "shocks


Will they change your meds????WE are all at risk you know, I had a mild heart attack years ago, not fun and extremely scary.

Oh sad, I am so sorry this is happening to you. THis is just so scary.


Roxy, that is such sad news.  Do they know what caused it? High B/P, meds, RA, stress?  What caused the bleeding?  And, are you still smoking? Well, Kelsey's second hand smoke is about the same as smoking, if not worse. did they change your meds or add new ones? And, what about family history Roxy? Oh Roxy, I am so sorry, but with today's technology you should be just fine. Please keep us posted Roxy. You were in such good shape before this all happened.  Makes one wonder doesn't it? 

'Do they know what caused it?' Possibly long term use of drugs

I copy the following to highlight what nature can work.

"Tinker posted 'Yikes! I'd be a bit alarmed by that!' 

The first experience I was excited, happy and felt so comfortable to have continuous twitching. It was a phenomenon.

When there was a flare, the wild lingzhi formula herbs eased the pain then tracked the advancement of attack to other joints (in my chronic case the attack was a cycle i.e. from feet to knees, hip then to chest and shoulder's joints). Once the herbs had 'stabilized' the attack, then it would 'neutralize' and 'melt' the 'culprits'.

Then the next stage was for the herbs to start its cleansing process. "The blood was rushing that could been seen from the pulsating veins and that set the affected joints to twitch continuously." Depending on severity the process would last a few days. In the meantimes, the toxic wastes were disposed intermitently and naturally. When swells subsided, back to normal again.

I have been taking wild linzhi for almost 20 years. Wild lingzhi is our family nutritious supplement and we take it a few times in a month. I do not have flare for many years and I do not need wild lingzhi formula herbs.

For almost 20 years I have not taken any drug/med/injection. I had gold injection & super meds when bedridden but they were not effective anymore that was 20 years ago.

A piece of advice, fighting chronic disease never easy. Appropriate herbs effective to ease pain, suppress, control, melt and dispose the 'culprit' at all levels to reverse the severity gradually and continuously adjusting metabolic disorders to right balance.  Selecive natural foods help to keep a good balance of the body system and nurture our healthy body system.

For a layman, I am not medical nor scientific savvy but know only correct herbs and natural foods to overcome the disease.

In my encounter with many acquaintances, the side effects of meds likely could cause heart, kidneys problems and diabetes besides, arthritis. Take care!"


What exactly did they say?  Are they putting you on any meds?  More info please

We are all worried about you!!!  How are you feeling now?  Are you feeling better?  Do you have any residual affects from the stroke?


I am so sorry Roxy.  I thought that blood thinning meds helped to prevent strokes but then again my memory is the pits.  Are there any lasting effects?  If so PT can help a lot.My daughter smokes outside.  I was smoking up to five a day, never more but that is stopping.  Only bloodthinners he prescribed were aspirin.  I take that anyway.  I can't believe it took so long to get results.  Doc said they would have kept me in the hospital for sure but I left for Kelsey.  The ching ching chain is still going on in my head.  He said to go to a neurologist if it does not stop in a couple weeks.  It is from stroke.  He said I might find other things that are different from stroke.  I have not taken my Humira.  Just trying to absorb all this.  My father died of a stroke.  I am very weak which he said was normal but at least I know what it was now.  At least ankle is not broken.  I won't lie.  I am scared but it happened and I can't change it.  It is good Brett is gone.  Trying to get the stress out of my life.  I got 100 hours of aid work now a month and my family is coming down twice a week.  I am going to be working on my will just in case.  Try to take care of myself.  Live a healthy lifestyle.   I might have to be taken off a lot of my meds pcp said but have to make an appt. with rd.  Until then, I am not taking them.  I thank you all for support and if you want to support me Kokako, please don't respond to my posts.  You and I have nothing in common and I would really like to avoid stress.  Thank you.  Roxanne   PS I have low bp but high cholesterol - hereditary.roxy39177.7655092593


I am soooo sorry this happened.  Please take good care of yourself.  Know that we are always here for you to offer guidence and support. 


Same here, we are always here for you Roxy, always.  Remember?...we are open 24/7 around here.


OMG roxy!!! im so sorry this is all going on.  Im glad your family is going to come down.  Yes we are all here for you remember that ok??? PM me so i can give you my new number


Oh Roxy, please take care of yourself. I'm worried about you , as we all are. This is very,very scary. You and Kelsey are in my prayers.I'm so sorry Roxy - do all that you can to relax and take it easy. *hugs* Roxy, so sorry that this has happened.  Take really good care of yourself.  I really don't know what else to say - this must be really difficult for you to deal with.  Please try and relax and know that you are loved.

Take Care

Roxy....I'm so sorry this has happened

You and Kelsey are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sorry Roxy... hope you make a full recovery.

Dear Sweet Roxy,

I'm so sorry to hear that it was a stroke. The way you described it, I was afraid that was what it was.

Have they determined the cause? When they do, perhaps they can give you the proper meds to prevent it happening again.

I'm so glad that Brett is gone, now. And that you have some help coming in finally. Is Kelsay being a help for you? I know she was scared, but hopefully she'll understand and try to help you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Love and hugs,



Hi Roxy - tried to contact you this morning but your PM
Box was full. This must be so worrying for you but I do know someone with RA who had a stroke I think 10 years ago and she is fine, hope this reassures you. She would have been around your age when she had it. She is on AP therapy now - I dont know much about AP therapy but maybe you could check it out. She watches her diet as well, keeps animal fats very low. I will contact you on the other address in the next few days.
Sit yourself down with Sarah Vaughan and a nice glass of wine (if dr. allows) & relax your poor exhausted self for a while.
Am glad your family are helping out and keep Kelsey and your pets close around you as you will be needing a lot of comfort for a while. You will be fine Roxy, Brett caused too much stress for you so take some time to grieve but we are very resilient when we have RA and the day will come when your life will joyful again.
Love & hugs,I was so afraid that is was a stroke. I'm really sorry that this happened to you. I hope it does wake up your family though to the fact that right now you need a little extra care. I know Kelsey helps you as much as she is able.

Your in my thoughts and prayers and I will try calling you again tomorrow. I've been so worried about you.
  Roxy. I have followed your ups and downs when you post, you sound like a very kind and lovely lady,wishing you well again and hope the future brings less stress and more joy in your life. Roxy, are you on any kind of cholesterol lowering med such as lipitor or
crestor? If not, please ask your doctor if this may be something that may
benefit you. They are now finding that these drugs are bringing down CRP
levels and Sed rate levels. I think it is going to really benefit many of us with
these chronic inflammatory diseases. I hope you are feeling well and I feel
very bad for you. How scary this may be for you and shame on Brette for
walking out during this hard time. Roxy, I'm really sorry---one person shouldn't have to go through so many
traumas. Please be selfish in taking care of yourself, and I'm hoping for
better times for you.Gimpy-a-gogo39177.9790046296

Roxy; You will continue to be in my prayers daily. I'm so sorry this is happening. I wish some of us were closer so we could be supportive in more ways than this.

Koko~I think we've all begun to tolerate your wild herb theroy and accept your beleif in them; but your comments were inapproprate here. Try to figure out where they are approprate and where they are not. That laughing emotion has no place on this thread! I hope you will respect Roxy's request for you to stay away from her threads entirely. PM me if you feel the need to comment back to me. Do not do it here!

Oh Roxy I am so sorry to hear your news. Please take good care of yourself and your family. I am sorry to hear that things aren't good between you and Brett. For now you need to look after yourself.(but I think you know that, huh!)

I'm glad you family is rallying round to help out. Wish I was closer.

debs x

I love you all.  Brett needs to be gone.  I realize now, I would push myself to make HIM feel better, to not lose him.  I would "fake" well because he would get so excited when I acted well.  I blamed not all but much of his drug addiction on my RA.  I love Brett - probably always will - BUT he was not good for me.  We would have made an amazing pair I believe, if I would not have gotten RA.  We had so much fun together and he was so tender but we did not have enough history to withstand such strain on a relationship.  I will not be a wimp in the divorce, not because I want to hurt him, I really really don't, it is that I need him to follow through on his financial commitments to me, I do not think I nor Kelsey could handle another move. 

I am going to start another thread about my stroke and the symptoms I have now.  I hope any of you that have any knowledge will give me input.  I really do care very much about so much of you. 

It sounds silly but my sis and I were talking what I wanted if I die suddenly.  One thing was to contact Deanna to let you guys know what happened.  You are my family in many many ways.  I would not have been able to get through all this with RA without you and that is the truth.  We all need someone to understand.  I feel such a love for you that seems so impossible when you have never physically met.


Now you need to focus on your health, but in the future you might think about why you want to be with Brett so badly.  It saddens me to see you write "We would have made an amazing pair, I believe if I would not have gotten RA".  Roxy, honey, he is an addict.  Nothing you can do will change that.  You getting RA had nothing to do with your relationship demise.  Please do not blame yourself.  He needs to heal himself, and you heal yourself. 

You and Brett will never make it if he is not willing and able to meet his demons head on and work on them.



Phats,  Brett was clean until my RA got bad.  I wonder if he would have stayed clean is all.  I don't want to be with a drug addict.If he couldn't handle your illness it would have been some other issue.  An addict can only blame himself for continuing the addiction.  Don't waste your time wondering...right now you have bigger issues to face.

I agree Buck. I'm sure he'd like for you to believe it's your fault.....but don't let him blame you for his problem. It was there before you came and trust me when I say it will be there now that you're gone from his life. If I had to bet; I'd say he's to blame for a great deal for your health problems. You weren't this bad until he started getting bad were you?

Either way; blame won't get you anywhere. Forgive and move on. Clear your head of that bad memory. I ordered that DVD "The Secret" and it talks so much about our thoughts and how they shape everything that's going on with us. The Laws of attraction. I think I'm going to get a lot out of it. I think you would too Rox. I'd be willing to ship it to you and pay for the postage back if you'd like to borrow it. PM me if you're interested. You know I've always felt like you could benifit from this type of thinking. Remember when I talked you into buying "The Powers of Positive Thinking"? Get that book out and lay it beside your toilet. (Just read when you're in there. You'd be amazed how much you can read over time) Take a highlighter and highlight everything you'd like to try to practice. Sometime when you don't feel like reading it much just flip through and read the messages you've highlighted and when you go back to bed repeat those things in your head over and over again until you fall asleep. Try that for a couple of weeks Rox....and lets me and you talk about it again then.

The offer of sending the DVD is a good one. Let me do that for you. PM me.
