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My son and dil are here for Easter weekend.  We were all sitting at the kitchen table talking, when my son went out of the room and returned with an easter gift bag for me.  I looked into the bag and saw a very small picture frame with a baby's picture and some writing that said "Baby (last name) due November 14th" along with a bib that says "I love my Grandma"  I was so suprised!!  I'm going to be a first time grandmother!

I'm having some family over today for easter supper, so they'll find out then.  I'm pretty sure my mother will be very excited as this will be her first great grandchild.

YEAH!  congrats!!!  that's so sweet! That's great news,kelstev! looks like it's the first time for several of us this year. Congratulations!!

That is awesome!!!!  Congratulations to everyone!!  May your dil's pregnancy go smoothly and the birth just as smoothly.  I love the way they announced that you are going to be a gramma to you! 

Now remember the three S's of being gramma.  Spoil, Sugar, Send home.  LOL!!

OH THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS!!! I know you must be so excited. They say there's just nothing like being a Grandparent.

Look forward to following the progress of your first grandchild with you as you share what's happening with your friends here.

Hope everything goes smoothly.

Congratulations. What a fantastic Easter present!

Wonderful and exciting news!!! Congrats Kel!


Can I have one? :(


I feel "outa-da-loop"

hahaha no really CONGRATS!! What an AWESOME easter present!!! Keep us updated on the lil squirt! Super news Grandma!

Thanks you guys

Well when my mother arrived, I had the gift bag with the frame and bib in it and told my mother to take a look at the gift my son and dil gave me.  She took a look into the bag...kept looking for a few seconds and looked up and said "I'm going to be a great grandmother?" and then started to cry...happy tears of course

As I've said before, there is absolutely nothing like the love you have for your grandchildren. And the feel of little arms around your neck just makes your heart sing!

Big Congratulations! Best wishes to your family.



AWWWWWWW That's so sweet!!!! Happy tears are AWESOME!!!! You keep making this story better and better!! Beautiful. I am so, so happy for you!!!