The snow is pretty but......My RA.... | Arthritis Information


Oh it is just a beautiful winter wonderland here in Michigan, the blanket of snow looks lovely against the bright green trees and the hiacinth's bright purple color is an amazing treat for the eye.......................NOT!

I simply am amazed at this weather! My body is aching so terribly, on my better days I actually think i do forget how intense this pain can get. I want warm weather so badly I can hardly stand it. How in the world will the little kids do an Easter egg hunt in snow????????and gloves,winter coats and boots?????

Yesterday was my yuck day to the grocery and it was snowing. Oh yeah lets not forget my tv broke down so I had to buy a new television too, my other tv was purchased in 1995 so I guess that is not too bad. The Easter flowers at MEijer were so pretty I even bought some for my mom and sis and daughter. I had to protect the flowers from the SNOW when taking them to the car...unbelievable.

On the brighter note my brother's son is home from the hospital for the weekend, we are so happy; he had been in the hospital for a month without being able to go home.Non-hodgins lymphoma is a terrible yuck thing I will tell you that! Then last night my sis called and my nephew in California called and her granbaby got his first acting job! HE was selected to be on Nick JR. We are absolutely thrilled! HE will be 4.

Back to the woes of RA: I hate this RA, it has so many limitations to it and the pain just  is so unbearable at times.These shifts in the weather are a killer that is for sure.I am thankful to have family around me.

Something to look forward to:Sis and I will go to California in September when the new baby arrives, she wants to go out  sooner to be with her granbaby....... Life is incredibly short as we all know. HEck I may go out there and just stay for a bit, especially if my daughter is moved out by then..........Not that I like California so much as I am drawn to be in warm weather and the grandbabies.

I am trying to remind myself that all this snow and bitter cold weather  is not forever, this is not Alaska.....and the warm weather will be here and I will be griping about the lawn and mowing soon..........hopefully soon!


Dear Jode, I know what you mean, I lived in 'the snow' in Reno for 25 years and we thought it would never melt on the north side of buildings.  It just seemed like it should be getting warm about April!, but no, it could even snow in May there???I'd put out flowers in my beds and the old timers would laugh (behind my back) as the snows would come and dash their blooms. Oh well I was young and foolish then....Your plan for California (where I live now) is a good one. I am so sorry you are hurting.

