Meds | Arthritis Information


Just started Zyban...doc wants me to quit smoking...still smoking as I have to be on the meds a week before quitting.  Also still on the pred I ahve been on for 18 months.  I usually get edgy when my pred dose is it is back to the normal but I am thinking it may be the Zyban that is giving me one heck of a tude problem.  I am at work and feel like going through the radio to the fire/rescue units and slapping them for being stupid.....usually have more patients than this...any suggestions?  Besides choking them...My husband tried Zyban for a few days.  He said it made him feel zoned out and generally miserable.  Since he's an ironworker who works on high-rise buildings he definitely couldn't afford to be in such a state so had to stop.Thanks Cathy.  I am not getting the zoned thing...just very short has at least given some of my co-workers a few laughs today so I guess it has some positive thnigs. 

I wish I could offer some suggestions being that we work in the same field, but I pretty much have a short fuse with my units everyday and I still smoke.  They pretty much act stupid all the time and need a good "punk out" on the radio frequently.


That's been my goal for the day.....bust as many units on the air as possible.  So far the count is 8....5 more hours to goThe gum worked for me, only I chewed a lot less than the package recommended and I chewed it for 51 weeks. Then I used the patch to get off the gum but it turned out I only needed it psychologically and used just 2 patches.

Tobacco smoke free for 7 years!
I did the taper and fade method: cut back until I was at about five
cigs per day, and then I just stopped. It's been about six months
smoke-free for me now.

It gets easier the longer you go smoke-free; it really does. Some
days I still get cravings, but most of the time, I don't even think
about them!

Good luck to you!! It's not easy, but it can be done! I never thought
I'd be able to quit.

I want food patches.  It's not fair - I want to quit eating like you guys are quitting smoking.  I want a food patch to satisfy my different cravings.   I'll need a chocolate one of course, a pasta alfredo patch, a rare juicy steak patch, and a popcorn patch.

Now Willy Wonka tried the chewing gum that was equivalent to an entire meal, including the blueberry pie.  But Violet turned into a blueberry, so that doesn't work.  We need patches!

There you have it you brillant scientists out there, I've given you my ideas for free - no go do it!

Yeah I could use some of those food patches too......the same foods would be on my well as the starbucks white mocha with caramel!

