Anyone on ENBREL for a while? | Arthritis Information


Just wondering...I have been on Enbrel for about 5 years (except for the
time I was pregnant...Back then very few women had been pregnant on a

Anyone on Enbrel long-term have worries?

No help from me - but will bump this back up for others to see.  Hugs and good vibes.Thanks 2manyaches...

Anyone else on Enbrel for a while???????

BTW, I LOVE my enbrel but wonder about long term use.arthmom...

I didn't respond earlier, cuz I've only been on Enbrel for seven months.  It's all good for me so side effects, and it is helping.

I've read posts in other forums from ppl who've been on Enbrel for a number of years who haven't had any problems with it though.  From my reading, I think the majority of people come off of Enbrel because it stops working for them.

I asked my doc at my last appointment how long I could expect the Enbrel to continue working for me, and he told me that for most people it will keep working indefinitely.  So, here's hoping!

dordale :)

I have been on enbrel since spring of 2003.  The only side effect that I have had is a little bit higher incidents of colds and two cases of walking pneumonia the last two years. 

It has stopped being extremely effective and we are adding some DMARD in the pill form.  If I still don't start getting better soon, I will be switching to humaria.

I've been on Enbrel for a year, and it has been my miracle.  Prior to that, I was on mtx, sulfasalazine, naproxen, & folic acid.  The naproxen had me in a constant "fog", which I didn't even realize until I went off of it and sort of "woke up".  The methotrexate made me sick at my stomach and so lethargic I would have preferred death. When I told my RD that, she really encouraged me to try enbrel and worked with my employer (a hospital), to order the expensive enbrel for me so that I could receive my employee discount.  It has literally saved me from the worst depression I'd ever experienced.  My energy level increased within days, and my pain virtually disappeard on day 3 after my 1st injection.  I don't know what I'll do if it ever stops working for me, or if I should have to discontinue taking it.  I try not to worry about it losing it's efficacy for me, and I also try not to worry about what unknown long term affects there may be.  It's been around for a good while now, and I think if there were issues with it, they would be surfacing already.  I've not heard of any, so I'm going on the assumption that it won't have any negative effects on my life. 

I've been on Enbrel and MTX for 7 years. I've not had any problems and I am functioning at a level that is pretty close to normal. I do have some damage in my hands, but that happened before the Enbrel. I've had two sinus infections and had pneumonia once in 7 years. I don't have any real concerns or worries. The track record for Enbrel looks pretty good to me, its been on the market now for almost 10 years.
Anyway, that's just my story.

Seven years, wow that's pretty impressive....I used enbrel for just about a year. I didn't have any problems or side effects, it just didn't work well enough for me. I glad it's working for you. It's nice to read sucess stories.


Thanks everyone for sharing your information.

Sarah, I'm right on your heels at 5 years. I am also mostly disease free

I agree Claire about it being a miracle drug. It has been for me.

I guess since it has only been on the market for 10 years, we will be the
long-term guinea pigs!!!!!

I hope all of us can continue to use biologics and have continuing success
with efficacy!

Best to all of you,
