RA Factor | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

I'm new to this forum.  I've been having lots of pain in hands, wrist, feet.  My primary care doctor said my RA Factor was 52.6 - - 0 to 13.9 is supposedly normal.  Is 52.6 a very high number, or nothing to be too upset about?  I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in 2 weeks and am trying to get prepared with questions etc.  I appreciate any comments you have about this.

Welcome to the board!  Please ask questions you may have.  There are a lot of people here than can help you out with just about anything.

I have seen people post RH factors as high as 300 before.  Any Rh factor or even not having an Rh factor is something to be concerned about and you should address with your rheumy. 

I don't even know what mine is!! LOL I bet I'll find out next week at my RD appt. It's been *years* since I've had mine done.

But welcome welcome anywho! Always nice to see a new face....err....text....eerrr username?!?!?!? LOL

Hope to see you often! :)

I forget  what mine was...I am supposed to get my bloodwork done, spose that'll have to be tomorrow. When initially dx my Sed rate was 125..........I was then place don meds, my journey began, my surgeries continued...yadayadayada.



Hi and welcome!  My RA Factor was an 8 but my pain, swelling and joint damage factor was through the roof.  I have what is called sero-negative RA.  I also read a post from someone with a 500 RA Factor and mild symptoms.  Due to having a negative RA Factor aggressive treatment for me was delayed.

I think you should look for a Dr that is going to listen to your needs and concerns and will be aggressive in your treatment.  Make a list of any questions and don't let that Dr leave until they have answered them to your satisfaction.  Also if you have a symptom that comes and goes take a picture for your Dr.

Take care and I hope your appt. goes well. 


Dear flamingo, welcome. I'm new here also and have been amaaaazed at the info in the posts. You can read back into the old posts, if you care to. I'd be looking the doctor over and finding out 'if he/she' is really listening. Ask if you can phone if something comes up that you need help with, etc. scope out the feeling you get from the staff. With pain and stiffness we need help and they have the meds for us. The doctor will make an evaluation based on swelling of joints of your hands, stiffness in your wrists and 'how you walk' if your feet (toes are causing you to walk off balance) Hands, wrists and feet are where a lot of us suffer, so going to an RA, is a good idea. Let us know what he/she has to say, OKay? Good luck,

sarah jane 

I am new here also, my first ra factor was 78.  I am down to 54 as of today, just got back from the doc's.

I am on Humeria 2x's a month injections.  I been experiencing numbness in both arms all the way to hands, then pain when the feeling comes back. Anybody get anything like that.


My first one in Oct 05 was 129. I had pain from my shoulder down to elbow to hand and fingers. Major pain.....but not numbness. Sometimes my elbow tingled like after you hit your funny bone and the pain goes away. RA is mysterious and very confusing!I'm new to the forum also and was diagnosed 2 weeks ago.  My factor was 256.  Just beginning to search for meds.
Well hello Geneo!! Nice to meet you :)

If you have any questions on meds, do post them! I don't think there's a med out there that hasn't been tried by someone on this board.

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